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Trying To Figure Out What Card To Get


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I want to build a computer, and I'm trying to figure out what the best deal I can get on a video card is for under $260 dollars.


Thus far I have found XFX GeForce 8800 Ultra, or I could get two EVGA GeForce 9800 GT's and SLI them, and I ws wondering which would be better, or if I could get something even better for the same price.

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These are what I just found


Radeon 4870


This is going to be the first time I build a computer, so I'm glad I have a place to refer to, thanks.


if your gonna go with the first ones you said get the ultra


for a new one get either the new 260 or the 4870 x2

which one you chose depends on how much you want to spend and how much performance you want

the 4870 x2 is more expensive


also consider power consumption and casesize the 260 is big

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9800GX2 simple. Gives you 280 4870x2 speeds at $300 bucks. Ties for the top three speed cards of this year and half the price of the other two. Nothing is better value.



no in most games the 9800x2 is in the top three if no other cards are in sli also it is normally in the bottom three and the 280 beats it by sometimes 20 frames. also there is no way in hell the x2 equals the 4870x2s speeds maybe the normal 4870 and maybe on crysis

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