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United States Presidential Election 2008


US Election  

144 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you vote for?

    • Barack Obama
    • John McCain

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I will admit, Obama's limited track record does not look good. However, there are many "experienced" people whose experience hasn't served them well, so I'm not that concerned about Obama's slim record. Plus, you can argue some of our best Presidents also had limited track records, such as Lincoln, FDR, Truman, and JFK whereas the ones with the most experience ended up being pretty poor Presidents, such as Hoover, Nixon, and Bush II.


I'm voting for Obama for a variety of reasons. He has a great educational background. I place a high value on a well educated person, and he couldn't have gotten a better one. Second, despite how well off he is now, he wasn't always so fortunate. So I know that he can better relate to the average American than McCain, who lived a life of privilege. Third, he has shown pretty good judgment in both domestic and foreign policy issues. Finally, he has run his campaign exceptionally well, and how one runs a campaign is a pretty good indicator of how one will be once in office. Clinton ran a poor campaign and lost as result, as is McCain, and so I don't think he's as well suited to run an entire branch of government.


While there are valid reasons for me to vote for Obama, I also have a slew of reasons to vote against McCain, but since you didn't ask that question, I'm going to leave it at that.


Their's no point in arguing any further.


At this point most people hear aren't willing to have a Ethical political discussion.


Most of the people left are just using there hate for Obama as a reason not to vote for him and using something they found on the internet to back it up.

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I will admit, Obama's limited track record does not look good. However, there are many "experienced" people whose experience hasn't served them well, so I'm not that concerned about Obama's slim record. Plus, you can argue some of our best Presidents also had limited track records, such as Lincoln, FDR, Truman, and JFK whereas the ones with the most experience ended up being pretty poor Presidents, such as Hoover, Nixon, and Bush II.


I'm voting for Obama for a variety of reasons. He has a great educational background. I place a high value on a well educated person, and he couldn't have gotten a better one. Second, despite how well off he is now, he wasn't always so fortunate. So I know that he can better relate to the average American than McCain, who lived a life of privilege. Third, he has shown pretty good judgment in both domestic and foreign policy issues. Finally, he has run his campaign exceptionally well, and how one runs a campaign is a pretty good indicator of how one will be once in office. Clinton ran a poor campaign and lost as result, as is McCain, and so I don't think he's as well suited to run an entire branch of government.


While there are valid reasons for me to vote for Obama, I also have a slew of reasons to vote against McCain, but since you didn't ask that question, I'm going to leave it at that.

I can agree with some of that but what I don't like is his stance on abortion. Also his idea of raising capital gains tax doesn't look too good for investors and may end up costing more money than what extra it will bring in. His plan for raising taxes for businesses also isn't good for anyone. What we need is a flat tax not a raising for those making more and a lowering for those makeing less.

Well from what I read from you you do make Obama to be a bit better than I took him for but I still dislike him. Only thing that has changed now is I dislike McCain and him equally now and maybe dislike McCain a bit more. More or less I'm voting Ron Paul. Though doubted he will win I can say I didn't vote some idiot into office be it McCain or Obama.

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i have never said anything about hating anyone...

i have no hate against the man, his views are another story.

i do have a hatred of socialism and therefore cannot and will not vote for a socialist.

i did not need anything from the internet to come to this conclusion.

the man reeks of socialism and backs it up with words from his own mouth.

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When it comes to the issues, there are things I like and dislike about both candidates...but I'm getting sick of all the blacks thinking Obama is their second savior, so now they've pushed me to McCain.

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i have never said anything about hating anyone...

i have no hate against the man, his views are another story.

i do have a hatred of socialism and therefore cannot and will not vote for a socialist.

i did not need anything from the internet to come to this conclusion.

the man reeks of socialism and backs it up with words from his own mouth.

Yeah your right. Hate isn't the right word I should say dislike.

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I will admit, Obama's limited track record does not look good. However, there are many "experienced" people whose experience hasn't served them well, so I'm not that concerned about Obama's slim record. Plus, you can argue some of our best Presidents also had limited track records, such as Lincoln, FDR, Truman, and JFK whereas the ones with the most experience ended up being pretty poor Presidents, such as Hoover, Nixon, and Bush II.


I'm voting for Obama for a variety of reasons. He has a great educational background. I place a high value on a well educated person, and he couldn't have gotten a better one. Second, despite how well off he is now, he wasn't always so fortunate. So I know that he can better relate to the average American than McCain, who lived a life of privilege. Third, he has shown pretty good judgment in both domestic and foreign policy issues. Finally, he has run his campaign exceptionally well, and how one runs a campaign is a pretty good indicator of how one will be once in office. Clinton ran a poor campaign and lost as result, as is McCain, and so I don't think he's as well suited to run an entire branch of government.


While there are valid reasons for me to vote for Obama, I also have a slew of reasons to vote against McCain, but since you didn't ask that question, I'm going to leave it at that.


Those are several good 'character' reasons to vote for Obama, and certainly reasons that I can follow your logic and even agree with for the most part. (The only reason I may not agree fully is that I lack a full understanding of some aspects of the reasons and thus do not feel informed enough to make a judgement)


What are the issues that Obama supports that you agree with enough to support him as a candidate? I remember you used to be very supportive of a bipartisan government, i.e. one party in the White House, another in the Senate and House of Representatives, but something made you change your mind. I'd be interested to know what.

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Their's no point in arguing any further.


At this point most people hear aren't willing to have a Ethical political discussion.


Most of the people left are just using there hate for Obama as a reason not to vote for him and using something they found on the internet to back it up.



I don't hate Obama. I am not voting for him because I agree with him on absolutely nothing plus in my opinion he is dishonest and has quite a few things he needs to answer for. He gets passes on all these things because of the left wing media. He dodges questions, has little experience, he and his VP choice don't agree on much either, I don't want a liberal house, senate and president, I don't like his views on guns, abortion or economy. So it's not hate or because he's black. I just don't want him to be president.

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I don't hate Obama. I am not voting for him because I agree with him on absolutely nothing plus in my opinion he is dishonest and has quite a few things he needs to answer for. He gets passes on all these things because of the left wing media. He dodges questions, has little experience, he and his VP choice don't agree on much either, I don't want a liberal house, senate and president, I don't like his views on guns, abortion or economy. So it's not hate or because he's black. I just don't want him to be president.


I never said you hate him because he is black.


Like I have said before some of his ideas are very similar if not that same as Socialism. I don't understand why some of you taking all these small matters and blowing them up into Obama is a dangerous mystery man with some type of hidden agenda your connecting dots like a conspiracy theorist would.

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I can agree with some of that but what I don't like is his stance on abortion. Also his idea of raising capital gains tax doesn't look too good for investors and may end up costing more money than what extra it will bring in. His plan for raising taxes for businesses also isn't good for anyone. What we need is a flat tax not a raising for those making more and a lowering for those makeing less.

Well from what I read from you you do make Obama to be a bit better than I took him for but I still dislike him. Only thing that has changed now is I dislike McCain and him equally now and maybe dislike McCain a bit more. More or less I'm voting Ron Paul. Though doubted he will win I can say I didn't vote some idiot into office be it McCain or Obama.


While I don't agree that abortion should even be an issue (I'm not a fan of value issues taking precedence over more significant tangible issues like the economy and defense), I will acknowledge that there are many people for whom value issues are very important. As such, I find your reason to not support Obama to be perfectly reasonable for you as an individual, despite the fact that I don't agree your stance is what's best for this country.


Those are several good 'character' reasons to vote for Obama, and certainly reasons that I can follow your logic and even agree with for the most part. (The only reason I may not agree fully is that I lack a full understanding of some aspects of the reasons and thus do not feel informed enough to make a judgement)


What are the issues that Obama supports that you agree with enough to support him as a candidate? I remember you used to be very supportive of a bipartisan government, i.e. one party in the White House, another in the Senate and House of Representatives, but something made you change your mind. I'd be interested to know what.


Universal healthcare sounds great on paper, and if manged properly, could even be great in practice. However, there are less drastic measures that can be implemented now to fix the system (check my post a page or two back for 18 steps to fix the medical industry). If we don't end up with a Democratic supermajority in both the House and Senate, then we can safely assume that universal healthcare isn't going to make it, and most likely we'll see some of the reforms on that list being implemented. Ideally, those reforms would be pursued more rigorously rather than as a "Plan B" in case universal healthcare fails to make it through Congress. I also prefer the Obama tax plan over McCain's, as well as the majority of his stances on social issues such as abortion. I also prefer his foreign policy stance over McCain's.


Ideally, we'd have a candidate who would just try and fix our problems using moderate solutions and not hard left or hard right. However, since I'm a left leaning moderate and find too many problems with McCain and the Republicans right now, I'm going to have to vote for Obama. Plus, it's about time we had a leader who could inspire the nation rather than inflame tensions simply to win votes.


As for the bipartisan government, it works when there are both liberal and conservatives members in each party, much like how the parties were setup prior to 1970. You had both party loyalty and loyalty to issues, and genuine debate and compromise rather than pure stonewalling along party lines like we see today. If there was ever a good idea on the floor of the Senate, we would never get to hear about it because one party would prevent any action from being taken regardless of how good the bill was simply because it was proposed by the other side. It's a condition that both parties can be blamed for. Now while having a Democratic supermajority is worrisome for many people, it's something we just might have to endure to reverse the damage the Republicans have wrought over the past eight years when they were in absolute control.


A lot of people say the current Democratic Congress hasn't done anything, but that's not true. In their first 100 days, Pelosi worked to repair internal damage via rule changes and protocol. Sure, the American people don't see a tangible benefit, but if you understand how the House and Senate work, you'll realize that this Congress has done a lot of good considering its circumstances.


I don't hate Obama. I am not voting for him because I agree with him on absolutely nothing plus in my opinion he is dishonest and has quite a few things he needs to answer for. He gets passes on all these things because of the left wing media. He dodges questions, has little experience, he and his VP choice don't agree on much either, I don't want a liberal house, senate and president, I don't like his views on guns, abortion or economy. So it's not hate or because he's black. I just don't want him to be president.


See, now that's almost better. You voiced actual reasons why you don't want to vote for Obama rather than simply hating on him. This isn't a kiddy forum, welcome to the big boy club.

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When it comes to the issues, there are things I like and dislike about both candidates...but I'm getting sick of all the blacks thinking Obama is their second savior, so now they've pushed me to McCain.


See, that's a silly argument because you could just as easily say that a lot of white people are voting for McCain simply because he's white and conservative without regard to the issues. Black people have historically tended to vote Democratic. If the Democrats were running a white guy he'd have just as much support as Obama is getting and they still wouldn't think about it.

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See, that's a silly argument because you could just as easily say that a lot of white people are voting for McCain simply because he's white and conservative without regard to the issues. Black people have historically tended to vote Democratic. If the Democrats were running a white guy he'd have just as much support as Obama is getting and they still wouldn't think about it.



I won't generalize that all black people are voting for Obama because he is black but there are a few people I have talked to that have said point blank and period that is the only reason they need. Which is pretty sad. That's why I try to stay away from political conversations at work. There are 4 guys where I work that are black and in the same department that feel if he isn't elected it's pure racism which is just absurd. If you are voting for him just because he is black what message does that send?

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See, that's a silly argument because you could just as easily say that a lot of white people are voting for McCain simply because he's white and conservative without regard to the issues. Black people have historically tended to vote Democratic. If the Democrats were running a white guy he'd have just as much support as Obama is getting and they still wouldn't think about it.

You clearly don't live or work near black neighborhoods if you don't think there's a huge difference with this election over previous ones.

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