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What Are The Danger Settings For E8400


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What are the typical limits of voltage before your risking frying your chip? I just want to get a feel for whats typical so I know when to quit while I'm ahead (have no o/c experience but read a few guides)


I know the limit is around 4.5ghz for clockspeed and likly the mobo around 500fsb but not sure on the different types of voltage


also is there a guide kicking around somewhere (anywhere) thats specifically targeted to the E8400 (or even just dual cores), i read the guide here but it is geared more twords the quads (the example is a q6600)

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If you're on air, anything close to 1.5v is would I would consider pushing it. Certainly wouldn't want to run close to that for 24/7 operation.

Decent water, you can probably add 0.1 or 0.2 to that, anything higher you're looking at extreme cooling I reckon.


Pretty much all of the stuff that applies to quads applies to dual cores as well, except you'll be able to push the FSB higher in general and probably won't have to worry about quite so much in depth tweaking to eek out the best results.


Just let us know what you are running it on and how you get along and members will be happy to chip in with some pointers. :)

Edited by jammin

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theres no such thing as voltage limits with the right cooling ;)

Totally incorrect. You can easily kill a well-cooled chip by running too much voltage through it.

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I'm running water mounted outside the case (or will be, parts are on the way)


2 loops, loop 1 is cpu/northbridge, temp sensor, rpm sensor, resivoir, mpc655 pump, and the 50$ish swifttech tripple rad


seccond loops is both gfx cards with pump sensors and rez and another tripple rad


I also have a card that will alarm if the pump stops or the tempertures spike (it monitors up to 8 things)


And for the southbrigde I have a low profile copper heatsink with a skinny fan on it (need clearence for gfx cards)


When you say "1.4v is the absolute max you should go"


1.4 v on what??? on any setting??? or is that in relation to vcore only??


What about NB core, SB core and VTT? (the quad guide says 1.4+ at own risk and that 1.6 is death... is that true on e8400?? because you need something like 1.7 to hit 500fsb??)

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have read a lot of guides, you will probably realise there are no 'universal' maximum settings for any CPU?


First and foremost, overclocking results are never guaranteed. Many factors can influence what a system is capable of, including complimentary components (motherboard/processor/RAM/power supply), user experience, and simple luck of the draw. Two identical systems will not necessarily yield identical results, and anything over the rated specification should be treated as a bonus, not an expectation (IMO). You need to explore the limits of your individual component's gradually, until you hit a wall. If people here gave you what they considered maximum settings, things could end in disaster for you - so the more experienced guys may be reluctant to do so, for those reasons.


The only way you can learn is slow steps and test, test, test! I started in May and it's taken till now to feel comfortable with what I'm doing and I'm still a real novice - it won't happen overnight. I read as much as I could here and on other forums, I also kept notes of everything I did, which really helped my understanding. This is possibly why you are not receiving the responses you would like, it's not that people don't want to guide you?


Hope this helps in some way? If you do get into difficulties with specific problems, the guys here are very helpful and incredibly knowledgeable. :)

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Great_Gig has summed things up very nicely. Although i have been clocking for more years than i care to remember, i would be the last person you would wan't advice from as to your maximum Vcore :D . That said, VTT and PLL are a different matter. Do not use any more than 1.45v of VTT and preferably no more than 3.33v. Do not raise the PLL voltage at all, leave it at stock. If you were to use large amounts of VTT and PLL, along with a high Vcore, it would almost certainly spell an early death for your cpu.

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