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Low Tech Cooling


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ok so now i have this killer system that out performs anything i've ever owned but won't stabilize because it builds up too much heat. I look at the miriad solutions offered by the miriad of manufacturers out there in the marketplace only to realize these folks don't really understand the scope of my problem. it's not just a processor or a northbridge or combined gpu's that need cooling...it's the whole enchilada...!!....so being the astute observer that i am i recognize that most high tech solutions are inadequate for my purposes and start looking around for alternatives. The solution..!!...take off the pretty plexiglass cover and aim a plain ol household oscillating fan into the box...presto!! no more temperature/overheat problems, crysis stopped crashing everytime i get in a tight spot and onboard monitors show temps hovering around 34-6 at idle and 36-40 under heavy load. so out of curiosity.... how many other monster over clockers are there out there who have had to resort to the low road to get a job done and what are some of your solutions....looking forward to hearing some good stuff.......cya.......cj

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...looking forward to hearing some good stuff.......cya.......cj


This isn't too interesting and not "good stuff"... but the fact is, getting a good case and a few decent fans reduces the sorts of problems you experienced. A hundred and fifty bucks of your build budget spent on enclosure and cooling (assuming air) would have probably put you in a spot where you would have never had to think about it.


That said, up until a couple of years ago, I don't think I ever had a case with both sides on it. In fact, I had a couple of mainboards screwed to the wall next to my desk for at least four years and the system under my desk was in a case frame, but I don't even remember where the sides are.


You might be interested in the ghetto mods thread http://forums.overclockersclub.com/index.p...;hl=ghetto+mods

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woa...thank you for the responses!...it's good to know i'm not alone. due to being a rookie in the oc club i didn't realize there is a name for this "ghetto mod" but i looked at some of that guys fixes and i think i can utilize some of his basic forms and adapt them to my needs. thanks for the tip. While it's not in my nature to "ghetto" anything i own, i do see that it is very possible to incorporate increased fannage into the pretty plexiglass cover. (It's an ultra aluminus black mid tower w/700watt xvs psu) i think 80 cm intake and exhaust power fans, stock cpu fan and the optional mini fan that comes w/ the rampage. also the 3870x2's blow out the back. i really thought these would be sufficient, and they are for light work but once i get down into crysis or witcher and all that rendering i start to lock up. I guess i could back my cpu down some that's sacrilege. so there ya go.... but now i have some new ideas based on the several helpful hints and i can go from there...."ghetto mod" ....i'da never guessed ya could put wood in a puter??

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Are you using stock cooling and the optional mini fan that came with the Asus Rampage? Did you happen to notice the warning sticker on the optional fan? It was a red sticker with a large yellow triangle with an exclamation point in the center that you had to remove to put it on the mofset heatsink.

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yes i took the sticker off.... it's working..!!hahaha....and so is the riva tuner...it's fantastic and a big help....thank you...!! but i'm still not ready to put the cover back on it just yet.... i can mount an 80 over the 3870's and the southbridge if there's clearance and another over the ram and northbridge with no trouble at all....there are plenty of places to plug in...it'll take some thought but i like to do clean work...my cover is already ported at the video card site....



Are you using stock cooling and the optional mini fan that came with the Asus Rampage? Did you happen to notice the warning sticker on the optional fan? It was a red sticker with a large yellow triangle with an exclamation point in the center that you had to remove to put it on the mofset heatsink.

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I have done that many times....in overclocking PWMIC temps can skyrocket and every other temp be fine but yet cant get it stable....blow some air on the board and presto...stable...


My cheap way is to put it on the techstation I built and aim a 9in clip fan aimed at it...the other way is to violate a case with as many of the largest, fastest, quietest fans I can fine...92mm or 120mm of the medium ultra quiet speeds work the best...;)

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Having a big fan smacking the motherboard is indeed the best way to cool it. Forgetting airflow and replacing it with brute force does work like a charm. On the downside though its damn right ugly and produces an Ewww! from people instead of a wow! lol. I think we are looking for the prettiest solution instead of the most effective. Then you have the question of "how much noise can you stand coming from your PC". So then there are those that sacrifice a few degree's here and there for the sake of low noise. I suppose it comes down to personal choice, but I for one love to see wacky inventions/mods by people in the name of cooling, it all makes for very interesting reading. Keep on trucking is what I say

Edited by Branjo

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