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Well, I finished a project today and thought I would tell you about it. I started the first of the year with a desire to build a good system and overclock it. Up to that point I had a three year old Dell XPS with a 3.6 Pentium 4 which I bought on sale new and had no idea what anything inside meant. Heck, I didn't know how to open the case and wouldn't have dared to anyway.


I read what you guys were talking about and even though I had no idea what you were saying, I kept trying to follow what you were talking about. By the Spring I had enough figured out enough to get the parts I thought were best and started putting it all together, listening to what you said about everything from what cases you thought were good, to how to put a line of AS5 on a heat shield. What to do, what not to do...what to avoid and what I better not forget about.


By summer, when I finally had this thing put together and stable enough, I again followed your advice and began to overclock it...and when I made mistakes or got frustrated, hell, when I thought I had killed this thing and at times felt like throwing it out the window, you guys kept encouraging me and calming me down and convincing me to stay in the game. And here's the thing.


I also posted questions (some a lot more stupid that I realized at the time) on other sites, some well known and some not so hot and you know what? Sometimes I would keep checking back in for replies and would get nothing. Nada. But not here. Somebody would always take what I had and steer me in a pretty damn good direction. As I looked back on some of my posts here , I realized just how much I owed this site and the people who are dedicated to helping new guys, and can remember how much frustration comes with learning. Well, anyway, sorry for the long . post (this may be the one that doesn't get a response, lol).


Here's to you, boys...thanks. Antec P182, Q6600 @3.2, XFX 680i, Zerotherm Nirvana, 2x 8800 GT's (CC-722, SC-1800, MC-1055), 3x150 Raptors, 1TB Seagate, Seasonic M-12 700W, 4 GB OCZ DDR2 PC2-6400 Platinum @ 3-3-3-13. Samsung 245t. vid-1.3125, vcore-1.4, fsb-1.4, memory 2.1. Linked and synced. Temps never got over 55c on a 12 hr run with Prime95 I just completed. Vista calls it 5.9, 3DMark Vantage gives it just shy of 10,000 on Performance setting. Memtest without a hitch. Crysis set to Very High and runs very well indeed on High (no AA).


I have a lot to learn, but I bet I could get that Dell case open now...

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My advice to you would be to separate large sections of text in your writing. :lol: Though it is later where I am at so I could expect that. Was a lot to read and take in at once but your welcome. Help is always here when you need it and no question is dumb especially when your starting out and don't know anything.

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Well, anyway, sorry for the long . post (this may be the one that doesn't get a response, lol).


I think you might find this gets a lot more response than you would have thought.


We really like it around here when people take the time to say thank you (even if like me, you can't remember if you helped out in the first place).


I would like to think we generally come across as a friendly and helpful community, so getting posts that seem to confirm this is great. :D

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Glad to see the OCC community helped and encouraged you.


I would like to think we generally come across as a friendly and helpful community.


That's why I joined OCC instead of another forum in february :)

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