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Are These Good Temps

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Ok so I finally got my e6300 AS5'd corrctly (i didnt do the line in the middle, and got bad temps)

i was getting up to 70c on stress test (thankfully that only lasted an hour.....that didnt hurt it right?/i hope)


anyways I have an e6300 dual core processor

and also I have a 6800gs.

i just want you to tell me if these temps are Ok? good? or need improvement? or HOLY CRAP thats hot?


First of all my processor.

it idles at around 41-44c (depending on the temp in the room)

typical load temps are 48ish (surfing the web and such)

and stuff like playing World of Warcraft for 4 hours it gets up to ehhhhh 53-54c.

Im doing a stress test on it as we speak. One Core got to 58c, but i havent seen either one go above that,

typically they are staying around 56-57c (Using Intel Thermal Analysis tool)


Everest is giving me this (Under prime95 HEAVY FCC stress test (same as one above))

CPU: 54c

Core1: 57c




So basically the same temps?

so how are those temps?


next is my 6800gs

Idle temps are usually 41-44c (right now it's 45 but I am running stress test on CPU so...prolly a lil hot in there)

typical load temps are around 55c

I ran the Nvidia "stability test" thing. and it got to MAX 59c, (however in games under alot of playing I see it get to 63-65c.

typically tho it stays around 55-58c.


Are these temps ok?


i hate to ask rehashed questions but looking through MANY MANY google pages....i get alot of varying temps.

so i basically want to know if those are OK temps for both my CPU and GPU.

thanks a bunch!

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The temperatures on the graphics card are fine. They can sustain a lot higher temperatures than the CPUs.


60C is usually the cutoff for the safe allowance for CPUs. Not sure if that translates to die temperatures or what. I like mine in the 30's, full load, but I can't really do that in the summertime (no A/C). Yours are a little warm for my liking.


How is the airflow in your case? Anything clogged with dust?

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nope everything is dusted out good.

so gpu is ok? i figured that wasn't bad

i mean im playing wow right now and I havent seen the temps go above 48c. i mean 57 was with prime95 stress test (max ftt ) for 5 hours

typically it's more around 48-52.


for the gpu? at what temp should I start worrying i mean i have seen it jump to 70's? but it'll usually reside around 65ish with games, altho it's 58-59c max under the nvidia stability test.(is upper 60's ok for gpu's under load/games?)

is it ok for a gpu to go to 70's? i guess (i know some go up into 85's and stuff)


btw do u think when my heatsink was messed up and i was hitting 70's under stability test that that hurt my CPU alot? or extremely shorted it's lifespan (i mean im sure it didnt help but It didnt hurt it too bad tho i hope?)



Edited by CoolMaster

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Life spam of cpu does not have to looked into much, as you would not be using your same rig more than 5years :)..It becomes way outdated and slow for applcations.. So forget about the life span..


Temp are fine,. Prime,etc.., are all unreal world applications.. But they help to find your stress level and temp for guidance ..not get tensed on it..


For normal usage , like games etc.., These temp are fine, But keep an eye on your cpu temp... Should not cross more than 68 c, At full load.. tends to heat up the case..


The above lines are a way of looking into it, It changes with different people opinion :)

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I still get 70C full load... 52C at idle.

on ur GPU or CPU?


and get saif u said not to exceed 68c on my CPU (or did u mean GPU)

cause the most i've hit (now) with my CPU is 58c (and thats with prime95) my gpu only hits 70c.....very occasionally. but usually it hovers around 65ish at full load and 42-44 idle

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GPU temps, as said earlier, are fine. Dont know about the 6800's but the 8800's are designed for 90C loads and wont start getting hurt until over 100C, or so i was told. Any GPU load under 50C is great, under 60C is fine.


CPU temps are diffrent, it is highly reccomended to keep CPU temps under 70C. if it gets over that, its gonna melt if held there long enough. CPU idle at 30C is considred good/normal. Load it should be under 50C, 60C is getting high.


It is possible that you just have a hot chip and will not be able to get it to run at the low end of the temp scale but keep trying, something might work, there is always water cooling if you want low temps bad enough.

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the 70 thing was just one time. i had put on the thermal paste wrong


load it's at 48-52

the 58 tops was 5 hour prime 95 test.

the highest I normally see it go (in games and such) is 55c


and is it ok if GPU hits 75c Sometimes....like during hot days?

i mean typically it stays around 65-70c but I've seen it hit 75c.......but thats not "really hot" is it?

especially for a 6 series card.




Edited by CoolMaster

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on ur GPU or CPU?


and get saif u said not to exceed 68c on my CPU (or did u mean GPU)

cause the most i've hit (now) with my CPU is 58c (and thats with prime95) my gpu only hits 70c.....very occasionally. but usually it hovers around 65ish at full load and 42-44 idle

Cpu. It won't really kill it unless your going aroudn 75C 24/7. Depending on the proc the core temp tjmax for 65nm was 100C. I think with 45nm is 90C but not sure.

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ah then i should be ok. it was 75c for only about an hour :)


and I think people are mis-reading

my CPU temp only hit 70c once, for about 1.5 hours.

i had done the thermal paste wrong but fixed it and got the current temps i posted above (41-44 idle/48-53 load)

Edited by CoolMaster

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Well, so finally,


1) cpu is good.


2) gpu can take up to 105 c ( 8 series ), and then crash/ freeze .. nothing to worry.. So gpu is also in perfect atmosphere.


Just relax and enjoy the hardware.

Have fun.

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