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Not in My Marines.


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So this is raging all over the Net right now, US Marine David Matori is being accused of tossing a LIVE Puppy from a Cliff in Iraq. While his comrades Videotaped and laugh. One outs him by saying "That was Mean, That was mean Matori"


So, He's been tracked to Hawaii, and seems to have liven in WA before he Joined. He had a Bebo account that went private and his family seems to be shooing off reporters rather then clearing his name.







http://www.myfoxtoledo.com/myfox/pages/ ... geId=3.3.1


So, Some are speculating that it's fake and the Pup was dead. I don't buy it. How about you???



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I heard about the incident on the morning radio news today. My issue with the Marine's act in question is that, well he's a Marine, representing a corp of man and women in the armed forces of the US of A. He may have been just having fun with the whole thing, but he should have thought of his actions before hand and its consequences.

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Guest SuppA-SnipA
AG I don't get it. I read over the rules and don't think i broke them...




the problem is that the sig is over the 50kb file size limit, u are at 97kb


to make it smaller use file > save for web in photoshop, and it still keeps the quality :)

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Ack. That would be the cause of the designer I didn't make it. A guy over at 411overkill.com made it for me. =(


Well if a Mod has a problem with it. i guess I can yank it off. But I don't have Photoshop...



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ok back to our regularly scheduled programming


despicable what this marine did if this is a true story. Not as bad as raping/killing innocent women/children but not really any better. Combat makes you do xxxxed up things sometimes (or maybe just idiots like this are attracted to the marines?).

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What a complete P***K!, probably the first on the ground when a gun battle starts too.

Morons like this watch too many war movies as kids and think the meaner you are the braver you are. Utterly disgraceful I hope he has kids and they see their father being an idiot.

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