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Considering the fact that my worklog has been brought up several times in this thread, I might as well add the following. I personally find it more appropriate if it's not the modder writing the article, as this can be seen as having an overinflated ego and just being interested in just saying "Look at the great . I've done and how way super Über cool I am ....."; while an outside party is in a position to write more objectively and may deem it necessary to highlight aspects that the modder would consider very basic.


At the moment I've been extremely busy trying to finish up my masters thesis this semester (deadline for defense is the 11th of April), but I've very much interested in generating some quality content for the street when that's out of the way. I'd like to finally do a beginner oriented tutorial to solids modeling and probably a short tutorial on wiresleeving, maybe even some tips to working with acrylic.


If anyone here wants to take on the task of writing a front page article for RAD-GT and has any questions related to it (how/why things were done, personal/educational background, anything really) or would like high-res pictures please feel free to contact me. I can be reached through PMs and email (radodrill at gmail dot com) and am also often on MSN (radodrill at hotmail dot com); I'm pretty open so if you just want to chat don't hesitate to contact me either.



As Travis has re-iterated many times in this thread and in the past, this site needs our help and contribution to reach it's full potential; and asking for donations every quarter is like milking a dead cow, especially without more people getting involved.

I ask that all of you join in so that we can help the DIY-Street staff in making this a great site that'll attract more traffic, and more importantly clicks on the affiliate/advertiser links to keep it alive. I've seen so many times that people say we need to do this or that then classy lady about it not having been done, when they could have spent the time they were bitching to contribute toward making their desires a reality. If one aspect is too much work for a single person given his schedule/commitments, they can always collaborate with other members in achieving that goal; remember, for us to keep the street around it must be a team effort (not just the lone gunman).


Sorry for the long rant, but I just wanted to make it clear that as much as I'd hate to see this site closed; I totally understand Travis' sentiments, and it's up to us to come together and help him (and the rest of the admin/mod team) make the Street a place to be proud of.



Raphael W. Alwin Dodrill EI

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Flame suit on? Check.


Breaking the relationship with DFI was the biggest mistake this site ever made.


The site is not nearly as interesting as it once was just because Angry is a cranky bastard and it's his way or the highway.


There, I said it. I feel better.


It comes down to a question of morals. We had other stuff going behind the curtains with other companies as well.


The long and short of it is that Travis - nor any other mod - was willing to do what every other site does and give good reviews and keep up the bull crap just so we get more stuff.


Could we have done that?


Sure, no problem. Hell we probably could have worked it out so that we could bull crap with the best of them.


We just didn't feel that was useful. There's more to it than just that, but that's one big decision that we made and can't really go back on.

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It comes down to a question of morals. We had other stuff going behind the curtains with other companies as well.


The long and short of it is that Travis - nor any other mod - was willing to do what every other site does and give good reviews and keep up the bull crap just so we get more stuff.


Could we have done that?


Sure, no problem. Hell we probably could have worked it out so that we could bull crap with the best of them.


We just didn't feel that was useful. There's more to it than just that, but that's one big decision that we made and can't really go back on.

I understand. But this forum was, at one point, something to be really proud of.


We had user reviews on different products all the time and had people who were complete experts on different subjects.


Why were people this way? Because we all had a common interest: DFI.


DFI is (or was, at least) something special. But in my opinion DIY-Street needs DFI as much as DFI needs us.


They're NOT the same company without this forum. And the entire population and mindset of this forum has changed from slightly elitist to in my opinion boring and bland.


That's not to say I've not made some great friends, but I just feel like a lot has went away that was useful.


And you're right, I have no idea of the politics of it all.


But I used to spend 4-5 hours a day on here where now I check in once or twice a week and most of the time nothing has changed.


And who the hell said we had to be different? There's nothing wrong with doing the same thing everyone else does as long as we do it better than them, which we did.


"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

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It comes down to a question of morals. We had other stuff going behind the curtains with other companies as well.


The long and short of it is that Travis - nor any other mod - was willing to do what every other site does and give good reviews and keep up the bull crap just so we get more stuff.


Could we have done that?


Sure, no problem. Hell we probably could have worked it out so that we could bull crap with the best of them.


We just didn't feel that was useful. There's more to it than just that, but that's one big decision that we made and can't really go back on.


here's something else to add to that: are you, mr morally righteous 16 year old David, are you willing to accept that a company you work for is KNOWINGLY AND PURPOSELY selling DEFECTIVE equipment, and telling their two top techs to keep it quiet, or to keep leading users in the forum on as if there WAS a fix coming even though the company stated directly in concrete terms THERE WILL NEVER BE A FIX...?


If you can answer that yes, you David, would go ahead and just suck it up to keep a paycheck (and remember, the issue I parted with wasn't the first of this nature, it was just one in a long line of them from DFI), then you are not a man that anyone can or would respect.


So my answer to you in that case would be to go xxxx yourself and find another place to hang out because we don't need jackasses like you around here.



Now, on the other hand, if you are done being whiney and wipe the snot from your nose and admit that you yourself couldn't have put up with this any longer, then I urge you to rethink your post as it adds zero to this conversation. We don't need your types who only show up to say something nasty about someone else. It's people like YOU (acting in that way) that we have fought long and hard to keep out of this forum. Basically...piss off.


If you take that as cranky then you took it right, and there isn't a mod or long-time member that would disagree with me.


Now, let's explore the "my way or the highway" bit.


Do you own this site?

no, check


Do you pay for this site EVERY SINGLE QUARTER?

no, check


Do you CONTRIBUTE anything USEFUL to this site?

no, check


Shall I continue? When YOU start contributing something other than your insulting and flaming and immature comments, maybe YOU might have a voice around here. Just because you donate doesn't mean you get to have your way. That's anarchy and we'll have none of it.


On top of that, I made it very clear to all of you who donated that just because you donated you wouldn't be exempt from any of the rules, and not a single person who donated has every pissed and moaned about it until now (you specifically).


The rules around here don't change just because you think I'm crank and you gave up some cash to keep the place around.


And here's another bit that should alert you to what I'm feeling: I don't give a . if you think I'm cranky. I AM CRANKY. I AM ANGRY. I'M VERY ANGRY. So xxxxing what? Do I not have the right to be angry? Sure I do. It's my site, I'm the one who put it together and I'm the one who encouraged all of you to show up and gave you a format to help make this site what it is (and was). Does that not give me the right to do things my way?


There wasn't a question of success until I lost interest after parting ways with DFI. DFI NEVER encouraged Robert or I about this site. DFI HATED the idea of this place, even as it generated millions of dollars in sales for them. DFI NEVER put a single ounce of suggestion or input into this site unless they decided someone was talking bad about their product (whether it was you or me). Now that I've lost motivation for upkeep of this site, it falls on you if you want to keep it. Obviously you'd rather run in, toss a grenade and run away instead of contributing anything positive to the situation.


So, I'll repeat: piss off if this is all you are interested in. It makes my decision to shut this place down that much easier because I'd rather go back to downloading porno and surfing other forums if people like you are all that's left to peruse the pages of this forum.





Now, to the rest of you...carry on as we were so we might get something interesting out of this.



ps if anyone wants to Digg the story on the front page about my Rock Band experience, please do so. We are testing this whole Digg thing out...

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ok, now that I'm calmed down a little bit, here's some other things I'd like to say:


rado: I dig your worklog man. But notice in all the mentions I never said anything about YOU specifically writing it up. I happen to agree with you 100% about you not doing the main article about your log for the same reasons you gave. I also understand you are busy with school (trust me, I know now from going to school myself lol). I'm sure you didn't take any of the mentions as putting the responsibility totally on you, but just in case, that wasn't what was being thought or implied.


I keep mentioning the worklog because it's a right and proper piece of information that might or might not be interesting to someone who came across it. Everyone likes it. It has been suggested since you started it and I started . and moaning about not having any content that we should include your worklog. I've always agreed, but I've always maintained it has to be articled in a proper way.


Formality is no problem for me to edit, but someone who is familiar with the worklog inside and out should be the one to get with me or dr_bowtie or Praz or technodan or any of the staff and start working out the actual writing of it.


As I've said countless times: Getting it edited and published is nothing to worry about for those of you who have content. The staff, including I (who likes it my way or the highway), will work closely with you to get it in proper format to publish it on the front page. The part you have to worry about is what you are going to write or take pictures of or make a video of etc, and then sticking with it until the end (or at least long enough to give the staff a chance to edit it and keep you motivated).


Rado's worklog is out there for all to see, though it is in a sort of hidden area that not all that many would normally look at. I know that out of all 11,000+ views on that thread, a few of you are maybe as familiar with it as rado himself but in a detached, 3rd person way.







now, to something else...here at the Street, we have a pretty damn fair amount of bandwidth every month that is included in the server payment. Just how much? 7TB. That's 7 terabytes of transfer bandwidth we can use (well, we have 8 but I have it throttled at 7.01TB just because I'm safe like that).


What could we do with 7TB? Why, we could make and host helpful videos. Or make and host killer Power Point presentations, or PDF documents, or whatever. No, not interested in hosting files for other sites like game patches or such. We do host a few files (Prime95 and a few others), but mostly all of the tutorial videos.


Keep in mind they average about 100MB each because I hate youtube quality and I hate 320x240 or small . like that. I dig 640x480 with a clear picture and decent sound, so my vids are always going to be a little bigger. Once I figure out how to use Xvid to encode and keep the audio synched properly (for some reason everytime I encode in Xvid the audio loses synch slightly and it drives me mad like watching old kung-fu movies), I can halve those sizes.


Regardless, that's just me rambling. I've never really come out and said how much bandwidth we have here because for some reason I was always afraid we'd go over it and overage on bandwidth is like overage on mobile phones...not cheap.


But for 3 years I've checked our stats regularly and even at our peak times with people downloading videos, we never went over 100GB of bandwidth.


Here's straight from the control panel at the host for this month (remember Feb only has 28 days):


Total Bandwidth Provided:	8192 GB ($0.1/GB over)
Total Used So Far: 					43.326 GB
Estimated Average Usage: 		56.512 GB (at end of billing period)
Estimated Overage Charges: 	   $0.00


Bandwidth usage per Domain:
Domain								 BW Throttling 						  Web MB 	MB/Day 			  Cycle Estimate 	
[b]angrygames.com (web) 			Enabled (@ 100 GB) 	11682.9448 MB 	507.954 MB 	15238.624 MB[/b]
boisehockey.net (web) 			 Disabled 						  5.1193 MB	0.223 MB 		 6.677 MB
breakawaytraining.ca (web) 	Disabled 						 8.0898 MB 	 0.352 MB 	  10.552 MB
dfi-street.com (web) 			   Enabled (@ 3000 GB) 			  0 MB 			 0.000 MB 	  0.000 MB
[b]diy-street.com (web) 			  Disabled 					32668.994 MB 	1420.391 MB 	42611.731 MB[/b]
diy-street.net (web) 			   Disabled 							0 MB 		   0.000 MB 	0.000 MB
review-street.com (web) 	Disabled 						 0 MB 		0.000 MB 		 0.000 MB
rgone.net (web) 				Enabled (@ .01 GB)			  0 MB 	   0.000 MB 		0.000 MB
thenextlvl.com (web) 			  Disabled 	0 MB 				 0.000 MB 	  0.000 MB
thenextlvl.net (web) 			   Disabled 	0 MB 				  0.000 MB 	   0.000 MB

[b]Total Bandwidth Used by Domains for these 23 days: 	44365.1479 MB 	1928.919 MB 	57867.584 MB[/b]


hopefully the columns stay proper. Anyway...that's something to chew on. We've got the bandwidth if you have the creativity.



More when I think of more (or I read whatever David is posting above me and then have to calm down all over again)


edit: no sweat david. be constructive. you still must like the place to keep coming around...maybe there's something you'd like to see around here that would spruce the place up?

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ps if anyone wants to Digg the story on the front page about my Rock Band experience, please do so. We are testing this whole Digg thing out...


I saw that go up, but was never a member. So i went to sign up, and obviously my ID was taken :sad: Thinking about it though, the way things have been for me this past ~year or so, trying to turn things around and reinventing myself might not be a bad idea.....bah...anyways


What about some daily front page news like you see on some of the review sites? HardOCP comes to mind right off the bat where they have the editors post up a tidbit about the article and link you to the site it was posted on. I realize this could end up being a bit of work, but we could maybe relieve some of that by having users come up with things they think are worthy, and posting them in a "front page" section or something of the likes. Thoughts?

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you must understand the nature of the comment...I will agree in the fact that forum attendance was higher when DFI affiliated BUT that is a thing of the past....


What you must realize is what A_G stands for and what it means...(I just got done writing a 1500 word post only to hit the goddam back button too many times)


There is an old saying that goes like this..." the truth will stand when the world is on fire...!" and this is sort of what happened...DFI was pushing some bunk products that really werent ready for customer release and A_G stood and still stands for ALL of US users.....they expected him to go along with and say the product was really good but the users were at fault BUT A_G told the truth and stood up for all the users and still makes that stand till this day....


Sure the result was loosing DFI but We dont need them.....


Think about this...would you rather know that Travis is a straight shooting person that you can trust his word...?


or would you rather thing A_G is just a big bull crap'r who would let you buy anything and lead you to believe it was the best...?


So anyone who thinks and has the idea of your post shouldnt say or post anything of that nature...all it will do is end up singling you out and we make fun of you....


One of the reasons this site has the loyal member base it has is Because A_G is a straight shooter and is loyal to his members....his money spends like yours so why not steer you clear of BS products...?


I for one know this is the reason this site remains #1 to me...sure A_G may babble on at the mouth and speak gibberish at times but it all truth in what he says about products and use by end users...;)

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I saw that go up, but was never a member. So i went to sign up, and obviously my ID was taken :sad: Thinking about it though, the way things have been for me this past ~year or so, trying to turn things around and reinventing myself might not be a bad idea.....bah...anyways


What about some daily front page news like you see on some of the review sites? HardOCP comes to mind right off the bat where they have the editors post up a tidbit about the article and link you to the site it was posted on. I realize this could end up being a bit of work, but we could maybe relieve some of that by having users come up with things they think are worthy, and posting them in a "front page" section or something of the likes. Thoughts?


well, we were doing that for a while as OCC (Overclockersclub.com) and DIY-Street are 'partners'. They send us 1-3 articles a day with summary and links and we would post them up. Heck, right below the Rock Band story is an 8600GT or something review at OCC.


But if you look around, you'll see a lot of the guys aren't happy with that. There has been complaining about how the front page is just a front for OCC, why don't we have any of our own articles instead of nothing but OCC articles???


Then look right below and see me posting Praz's forum threads where he comments on AMD Phenom, etc. But mostly we've been doing OCC's advertising I guess...but what else are we to do? You've been reading this thread, you've probably read many others of this exact same nature that says I'm tired of the way things are going, won't someone please pitch in, and we get a good lively discussion like this going, and within a week everyone has forgotten about it.


If you notice, I even stopped posting articles from OCC...either everyone ignores the front page or they want to complain we don't have anything original.


I'd love to resurrect some of the old tutorial vids but none of them are really current, or worse, they pertain to DFI, and I have absolutely NO plans to ever help them sell another product. So that leaves bringing back some of the videos to be remade? Most of us are into the Intel thing now, so why not something on getting that piece of . Intel stock heatsink to actually sit on the chip without falling off and without warping the . out of the pcb around the cpu socket like it ALWAYS DOES TO ME???


Maybe some game reviews using a little in-game video taken with FRAPS (pretty freaking awesome stuff!) and then rendered down in say Sony Vegas (what I use) or Windows Movie Maker, etc and then we could write a nice article and host the video (even embed the video into the page now that I figured it out!).



ideas...I got lots of general ones, but general ones don't give us content. We need specifics.


Once again, staff is more than willing to put in the time to help you achieve whatever you need to achieve, even if you just want to bounce ideas off to make sure you are on the right track, or even motivate you to stay on track.


Game review? Ask me, I got lots of ideas and directions for you to explore.


Technical article? Ask Praz, that guy is smarter than the rest of the staff combined, and even more cranky than me


How-To article/video/tutorial? Ask dr_bowtie or technodanvan. They've been yelled at so much by me about this stuff that they know what to do (technodanvan did write the entire HTPC Guide Part 1...we should maybe thinktank about Part 2, etc???).


Got something that doesn't fit into these defined categories? Ask wevsspot so he can feel like he's worth something since we didn't mention him in the above categories, and if he isn't sure, he'll ask me (if he ever bothers to get MSN Messenger like all mods are supposed to have...). I'd say ask catkicker as well but I don't see him much...that could be because he hangs out in areas I don't, or it could mean he's playing hooky....maybe he'll read this and get indignant and yell at me so I know he's still alive...?


ALL of them will get with me about your story/tutorial/whatever and see which way to go with it. We'll post it in the admin section and discuss it and edit it and blah blah blah and make it presentable. All you have to do is...give us something to do.

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If you guys are looking for stuff to put on the front page we have it all right here in the forum. This is just stuff that stood out to me.


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=16][color=blue][b]Forum Rules[/url][/color]-------[/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21207][color=green][b]RULES & ANNOUNCEMENTS[/color][/b][/url]  



[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=43106][color=green][b]Text Tutorial - How To Properly Utilize the Forum Search Function! (Tutorial)[/color][/b][/url] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=77924][color=green][b]Picture Tutorial - How to make things shine; a lapping tutorial.[/color][/b][/url]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=34836][color=green][b]Video tutorial - Windows XP Tweak Guide (video) *update 6/28/2006*  [/color][/b][/url]

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=43107][color=green][b]Picture Tutorial - How to burn an ISO (Tutorial) [/color][/b][/url] 


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=38][color=blue][b]Stock Speed Database[/url][/color]-------[/b] 


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=28][color=blue][b]Overclocking Database[/url][/color]-------[/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10192][color=green][b]Other - Rules for this section - YOU MUST READ FIRST! (ALL OCDB TEMPLATES INSIDE) [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10195][color=green][b]Socket 939 Overclocking Database[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=58843][color=green][b]Socket LGA775 Overclocking Database[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=63030][color=green][b]Socket AM2 Overclocking Database[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11376][color=green][b]Socket 462 Overclocking Database[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11318][color=green][b]Socket 754 Overclocking Database[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=25563][color=green][b]Socket 478 Overclocking Database[/url][/color][/b]  


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=94][color=blue][b]AMD CPU's & Motherboards[/url][/color]-------[/b]

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=21249][color=green][b]Other - Important Info (non-critical) - updated 1/07/2006 (post #22)[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=81623][color=green][b]The Angry Phenom (or: How I Love-Hate AMD!) [/url][/color][/b] 


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=95][color=blue][b]Intel CPU's & Motherboards[/url][/color]-------[/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=64749][color=green][b]Other - And so it begins again, this time with Intel's new Core2Duo [/url][/color][/b] 




[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=44][color=blue][b]Video Cards[/url][/color]-------[/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74587][color=green][b]Nvidia - The Official Nvidia 8800 Series Thread![/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=58103][color=green][b]ATI - The X1900 series overclocking thread [/url][/color][/b] 


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=96][color=blue][b]Power Supplies[/url][/color]-------[/b]

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73137][color=green][b]Other - The Big Giant Power Supply Thread [/url][/color][/b] 


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=99][color=blue][b]AMD Overclocking[/url][/color]-------[/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=56456][color=green][b]Other - The AMD 3GHz Club [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=40178][color=green][b]Other - tight timings? loose timings? dividers? 1T or 2T? 754 or 939? (read here!) [/url][/color][/b] [url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=40178]

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=28049][color=green][b]Other - DFI Overclocking Guide - PDF download! (updated - zip + rar) [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=63039][color=green][b]Socket AM2 - Socket AM2 vs Socket 939 Comparison [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20823][color=green][b]Other - "THE" Definitive DFI AMD Overclocking guide! (merged all the overclocking stickies into one guide!) [/url][/color][/b] 


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=100][color=blue][b]Intel Overclocking[/url][/color]-------[/b]

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=70031][color=green][b]Other - RAM Dividers - A Comparison for Core2 / DDR2 / 975X [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=59021][color=green][b]Other - Recommended PSU's for Intel motherboards (Pentium D / Conroe cpu, 955X/975X based) [/url][/color][/b] 



[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=83077][color=green][b]DDR2 - New 4gb DDR2 Kits and the ICs Used [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=80484][color=green][b]DDR2 - Corsair PC8500C5D IC Update [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=75903][color=green][b]Flash Drives - Flash Voyager Performance and New Product Update, READ ME! [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=78521][color=green][b]PSU - 8 Pin PCI-E Power Connector for Corsair PSUs [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73667][color=green][b]DDR2 - Links and Resources [/url][/color][/b] 



[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79380][color=green][b]Other - Asus Nvidia Chipset Motherboards (680i and 650i)[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73135][color=green][b]The Giant Memory Thread (updated 14/11/06)[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74123][color=green][b]Other - Support at DIY-Street Forums[/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74122][color=green][b]PSU - Having PSU problems? Have a Question? Read this first[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74121][color=green][b]Other - MEMORY TESTING: Important READ FIRST[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73174][color=green][b]Other - OCZ Saying Hello[/url][/color][/b]  



[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73129][color=green][b]Other - Official HTPC Guide Discussion Thread (Part 1)[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=76275][color=green][b]Other - DIY crew's HTPC blog[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79493][color=green][b]The Official DIY-Street HTPC Guide: Part 1 [/url][/color][/b] 



[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=80837][color=green][b]Other - Best HDTVs for the Buck [/url][/color][/b] 


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=75][color=blue][b]Consoles & Console Games[/url][/color]-------[/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73832][color=green][b]Xbox360 - DIY-Street Xbox Live Gamertags[/url][/color][/b]  


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=77][color=blue][b]PC Games-------[/url][/color]-------[/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=82741][color=green][b]Other - ATTN: DIY-Clan [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=67923][color=green][b]Other - [DIY] Gaming Clan [/url][/color][/b] 


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=90][color=blue][b]Operating Systems[/url][/color]-------[/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=81682][color=green][b]Linux - Linux Tutorial....for a beginner who wants to help?[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=42061][color=green][b]Linux - DIY Street Linux Thread.[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=72311][color=green][b]OS - So Ya Think You Want to Go to Vista Huh??? [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73626][color=green][b]Other - So you think you want to go Windows Vista huh? (part 2, Angry's rant) [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74109][color=green][b]Linux - The Gentoo Linux Guide (bleeding edge install) [/url][/color][/b] 


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=76][color=blue][b]Applications & Other Software[/url][/color]-------[/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6798][color=green][b]Apps - The ULTIMATE MBM 5 Settings/Help Thread [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4177][color=green][b]Utilities - hard drives & raid - benchmark and compare! [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=60296][color=green][b]Utilities - "Core Temp" - monitor temps on K8s and Core/2 CPUs (updated December 31, 2007) [/url][/color][/b] 

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79596][color=green][b]Utilities - Guru3D Driver Sweeper[/url][/color][/b]  


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=115][color=blue][b]DIY-Street Folding @ Home Team[/url][/color]-------[/b]

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15529][color=green][b]Apps - Folding for DIY-Street - Team: DIY-Street - Team #45454 (disease)  [/url][/color][/b]

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74539][color=green][b]Apps - Guide to VMware and SMP install for F@H  [/url][/color][/b]

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=82950][color=green][b]The Donator List (FAO everyone)  [/url][/color][/b]

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=65933][color=green][b]ATI - ATI X19xx GPU's Folding@Home!  [/url][/color][/b]



[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79331][color=green][b]Case Mods - Project: RAD GT[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=77691][color=green][b]Other - Techstation on the Cheap;)[/url][/color][/b]  

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=116][color=green][b]Official CASE pic thread! 56k BEWARE!! [/url][/color][/b] 



[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=62974][color=green][b]Water Cooling Guide....v 1.3 [/url][/color][/b] 


[b]-------[/b][url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=40][color=blue][b]Station Polling[/url][/color]-------[/b]

[url=http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7952][color=green][b]What power supply do you have? (open to all platforms) [/url][/color][/b] 





We dont have to have all the pics or a big write up on something. We just need to show that you can get info for just about anything thats tec related around here. Stop on by and ask. We love talking tec, if we didnt we would not be here.

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Travis, I totally understand why you keep mentioning my log, so many people have stated that they'd like to see it featured on the front page but no one has volunteered to help make it a reality. I was hoping that my post might help motivate someone to do something and make it clear that I as well as the street staff are approachable to answer questions etc. and present my (and obviously your) sentiments as to why it should be a third party doing the writeup.

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