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Front Page Story


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So in case anyone is still wishing we would put crap on the front page, here's something for you to look at:




It's a rant but it does explain the hassles I've had with Rock Band (a $179 Xbox360 game!).


It isn't a perfect story, and I didn't spend a lot of time on proper formatting like indenting, etc, but it's a good guide for you guys to use if you wish to write and publish on the front page of the site.


If you need help, just msg me. I'm in school full time but I still have time for my homies.


This site won't survive much longer unless someone decides to help out with the getting-of-users-to-show-up, and without stories, articles, etc on that front page...well...it's getting about time to start asking for donations again as the Xmas buying season has quickly worn off, the traffic is back down, and no one is clicking-buying from our advertisers.


I'd really (like always) rather improve the situation with content rather than donations.


It's like going to plastic surgeon to have liposuction and lifts and . to make yourself skinny instead of dieting and exercising properly. If you do it the quick-fix way (donations/plastic surgery), what are you really learning? Nothing. You learn that problems can be quick-fixed easily in the short term.


But dieting and exercising properly is like filling the site with content. You practice and improve your skills as writers as well as give the site long-term life by bringing in readers who might stay, so in the future you won't have to resort to getting fat again and having a plastic surgeon fix you up...if you do it the proper way, you'll never get fat again! If we do it the proper way here, we'll never have to get into situation where we require donations!


Anyway, I said before I wouldn't rant about this ever again, but here I am doing it again.

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You know the problem is that even if one person comes up with something it's still not gonna save the site. I am in progress of writing a case/mobo review, but I don't even feel like getting into it because after I finish it and post it it'll probably be the only thing on there. I don't know how to get the ball rolling and unless we slam the front page with like 10 articles a month (seems like a low guesstimation) it's probably in vain. I am starting to feel like you and am pretty much ready to give up...

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welcome to my world

the site is slowly slipping into oblivion

soon enough I'm going to put the site up for sale since everyone has lost interest.

it was a fun ride while it lasted, but everyone should probably start packing up their gear and looking for a new camp site because $400 every 3 months is not affordable by me, and the advertising dollars are not going to cut it, and why even ask for donations anymore if no one really cares?

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Just as I was warming up to this place as well and moving closer too. I would contribute but I'm cr@p at creative writing and would likely accelerate the demise. Perhaps we can all find somewhere nice to camp.

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you know truthfully I like writing...but I suck at it...


My hardest part is just doing the Introduction to anything just because I cant come up with the right starting point....


I actually woke up at 2am one morning with a great Intro to Rado's case project but alas I was too lazy to get up out of bed to write it down and I slept since then and cannot remember what the hell I was thinking....


the apocalypse of the sight really saddens me but it's one of those things I really dont know just what to do to make this place shine better than before....even I myself have had good ideas and intentions (like with the Storefront) but havent had the amount of time to deal with comming up with something as the time I do have I must devote to providing for my family (which is large by huge)....


I just wish there was a simple fix-it-all to get back to the glory days of yesteryear....But, it seems alot of sites are down by way of attendance so its not just this site it's alot of sites....


And I am for hitting up all the Wal-Marts for Deli-Chicken...yummy

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And I am for hitting up all the Wal-Marts for Deli-Chicken...yummy


Use the street link and order it online with in-store pick-up :nod:



I actually woke up at 2am one morning with a great Intro to Rado's case project but alas I was too lazy to get up out of bed to write it down and I slept since then and cannot remember what the hell I was thinking....


tsk tsk tsk

Great authors keep a pencil and paper on their nightstand to jot down such inspirations ;)



I've been quite busy lately, but when I get some more time on my hands I could get involved in writing a watercoolong guide or maybe do a tutorial on wiresleeving.

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I am truly surprised to hear any of you guys talking like this.

Yes, I know you are going to give me the "just facing reality" comeback, but it's certainly something we need to talk about changing.

Yes, times are tough for everyone.

Money is tight and folks are watching their wallets.

(Some of the banner links still don't work for me)


Where are we at? How much dinero do we need for the next payment?

If it takes giving/asking for donations I am more than happy to contribute.

Lot of sites ask for donations, we shouldn't be any different.

Think of all the "drives" on NPR.

It's what they need to do to survive.


Those raffle deals seem to work at other sites, have we looked into that?

Now please don't take any offense at this cause I think you guys have done a great job administering the site.

I'm an oldfaht and I'm sure I have different "hot buttons" that other members or internet trawlers.


As far as the Front Page (which I never visit as it doesn't change very much and nothing that really grabs my eye) I have a couple of personal preferences.

Pretty sure most members have DIY-street open on the forums page like I do.


I like pics.

I know the anal retentives among us want everything as professional as can be, but maybe we can loosen it up a little.


I'd prefer some links to some of the great stuff already on the forums.

Love to see some bigger pics of radodrill's and mknwatt's acrylic and CM690 mods with links to them.

Hale, I'd love to see a link to the Official Case mod thread there.


Angry's XP tweaking guide should also be on the front page.

Praz's info at www.edgeofstability.com is very link worthy as well, even if it is above the heads of some visitors.

Thunda's Overclocking guide.

The OCDB definitely should have a link.

Best places to shop on line.

"Good Joke" thread.

Or even "Ask Sharp, the Memory expert".

Maybe even a link to "how to set up MBM5 on your DFI mobo" linkage.


My point is that we need to tag front page to the killer stuff already posted.

(And that should include the "For Sale" section)


I also think the "Vista sucks" and "DFI eat's dog doo-doo" mentality isn't doing us any good.

Too many potential new members may have products we personally hate and if we turn them off, they be gone probably forever.


I may be a little gay/gaye/gai on this but I love those little boxes with "latest posts" and links in them.


Rambling - sorry, another senior moment.


How about a link to a "Brit", "Canuck", or "Aussie" section".

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