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Dang It's Cold! (post your temp)


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it was 40 here yesterday




WTF, don't you live in MN?! 40?? I can't see the picture so maybe you forgot to put the minus sign in front of that. It's 35 right now and it feels balmy compared to what it felt like this morning. (16F w/ 20mph winds)

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Wait until you see this -


This morning, -36C (-33F), and the wind chill made it feel like -51C (-60F).


Swift Current, Sk, Canada. Maybe 2 hours north of the US/Can border.


Right now it's -34C and -43C w/wind chill.

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dang I'd hate to see your guys gas bill for heating....ouch


it was like -1 last week during the night and I think it hit -7 one night with -21 windchill....today it hit 50f but now it's getting cold and snowing...


stoking up the fire to get the water for the furnace hot for the night and getting a good nights sleep...but dang I saw we all move south where it's warm....I swear last week when it was real cold I could hear my poor car whine wanting to come in the house to warm up...lol



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