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Who Are You Voting For In '04?

howie b

Who would you vote for?  

58 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would you vote for?

    • Wesley Clark
    • Howard Dean
    • John Edwards
    • Joe Lieberman
    • John Kerry
    • Dick Gephardt
    • Al Sharpton
    • Carol Moseley Braun
    • George "Dubya" Bush
    • John Buchana
    • Blake Ashby
    • Other Democrat
    • Third Party Member (wait...there's third parties?!?!)
    • Don't know/Don't care/Can't vote
    • Other Republican

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Id vote for bush but if I had 2 vote dem it'd be Sharptopn cause he's my...

fill in the blank cause I cant say it on here but ya....

cept he's gay cause he apposes war... we need like some OG up

in the white house who wants to start more wars and have government

made crack houses for more revenue....

give sharpton a tupac head rag and have him become a little

more old school and he's got my vote

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Yeah. No suprises here. These were pretty much the answers I expected to hear. After all thi is a COMPUTER forum....All your mommies and daddies obviously have enough to supply for you without hesitation.

i really hope you aint taliking bout me since i am 30 and own my own house own my own truck and pay my own bills while at the same time making my own decisions in life

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Yeah. No suprises here. These were pretty much the answers I expected to hear. After all thi is a COMPUTER forum....All your mommies and daddies obviously have enough to supply for you without hesitation.

I decided to cut out my entire rant and cut to my last sentence because I think what he says is enough validity for this comment. Honestly what you said is the dumbest thing I have ever heard or read, next to the diplomat thing you posted.

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howie... I think everyone here is tired of your #hitty political posts. You always ask a question, then when the thread doesnt go the way you want you start attacking people. Grow up.


I voted for bush *as I high five ayokona*

Edited by andrusk

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I voted for Bush last time, and I'll do it again. I work for a government department (DoE) tasked with making sure that the US Necular Stockpile is maintained. Sorry, but the Democratic Party threatens my way of life, my employment, and the freedom of the US.


Wan't to know why I wont vote democratic (this time)?

- Mark Rich

- The Democrats' refusal to abolish the death tax beyond 2010.

- Democratic Sen. Ernest Hollings' demand that signs be put up in airports "in A-rab" declaring that there will be no more hijackings.

- Gray Davis

- I support the Tax cuts


If the Democratic party still stood for what FDR and JFK believed in, I might actually vote Democratic... but that party is long dead.


I use to be like some and not really care who won. I'd vote for who I thought was best. But the last several years have put me more on the republican side of the fence.

Edited by d3bruts1d

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will vote for bush when the elections comes and i ahve to agree that was one of the stupidest things i've ever heard howie say. i may live at home but i pay my own bills for my car. bought my car. and make my own decisions. idiot.

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You are so normal howie, at least until you go politcal on everyone. It sounds like you are bitter at something, that gets you all worked up. So lets hear it, we can have a Howie_B vent session.

I am just sick of you attacking every Bush supporter by saying we sit around and let are parents be rich and buy us stuff. I will tell you now no one I know gets were they want without hard work and some of us are sick of you telling us we didn't earn what we have. Our parents don't buy our stuff, we do because we WORK for it.

And because we work and pay taxes we have a choice and concern on who we want to make decisions on our behalf (be it money or war) and I agree with Bush so I will vote for him. So screw it man, tell us your story because I want to know what kind of childhood brings this viewpoint and attitude on.

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You are so normal howie, at least until you go politcal on everyone. It sounds like you are bitter at something, that gets you all worked up. So lets hear it, we can have a Howie_B vent session.

I am just sick of you attacking every Bush supporter by saying we sit around and let are parents be rich and buy us stuff. I will tell you now no one I know gets were they want without hard work and some of us are sick of you telling us we didn't earn what we have. Our parents don't buy our stuff, we do because we WORK for it.

And because we work and pay taxes we have a choice and concern on who we want to make decisions on our behalf (be it money or war) and I agree with Bush so I will vote for him. So screw it man, tell us your story because I want to know what kind of childhood brings this viewpoint and attitude on.

:P:lol::lol: BURNED!

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Alright gang... howie b may have made the first attack, but that doesn't mean we need to go to that level.


Consider this the 1st, last, and only warning that this thread will have before it is closed down.

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Yeah. No suprises here. These were pretty much the answers I expected to hear. After all thi is a COMPUTER forum....All your mommies and daddies obviously have enough to supply for you without hesitation.

first off I can tell you that's not the case in my life. I'm 23 and have a 6 figure income.


as far as voting for bush... he's the first president since I've been alive (23yrs old) who DOES what he says he's going to do. I have complete faith in him.


but then again this is american politics we're talking about, so there's no law that says you can't believe in what ever you want.

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