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DRM free but at what cost?!


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With Apple iTunes now offering DRM free songs I was actually interested in purchasing some music. Then I found this little nugget of info...




I knew that they embedded your user info in all their previous DRM offerings but with DRM free files they should have no reason to embed any information inside the file. That's the whole idea of paying more for DRM free songs.

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The kind of people who download music off FTP sites, bittorrent and usenet don't use the iTunes store to buy low quality, low bitrate, overpriced music that stores buyer information in the file. All this does is continue to screw over the legitimate consumer.


There's little incentive to be a legitimate consumer of video or audio on the internet nowadays.


btw Splave most musicians are not millionaires, and even the ones that are have little to no say in this kind of stuff.

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The musicians who are millionaires are only so after they've made the recording studios much much more than the artists themselves receive. Hasn't it been documented that from the price of a new CD, the artists only get less than a dollar?


Seems like the only incentive lately is to not get busted by the RIAA...


Thanks Splave!

p.s How does one go about becoming a "poop shed troll harvester" anyway?

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Unfortunately this only give the pirates more support and the circus won't stop. As it is now the chance of being caught for downloading or, more applicable to most laws, distribute protected material is slim, and if it also "protects" you from a lot "spy" stuff and the media files therefore are more clean, yes then I can't see any end. Probably we'll have to live with these stupidities for a long time to come.

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I think you will find there are a number of reasons for the info to be in the files. The most obvious is to be able to track the movement of DRM free music within any P2P networks. The main reason tho is more subtle and goes to the heart of the labels real and historic gripes with copying. The biggest loss to the labels is casual copying, lending a CD to a friend to copy. Historicaly there is no actual hard evidence/proof of how widespread the practice is. Until the labels can come up with hard evidence they will have a difficult time argueing the case for even more draconian measures. Being able to track DRM free music gives them the means to come up with ALL the evidence they need. And take it from me, when they do, they will act on it very hard and almost certainly via the WTO.

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I have no problem with a record company or musician getting paid for their music. That's only fair. What I hate is all the stupid side effects of DRM, RIAA activity, and how it affects legitimate users. The headaches are too numerous to list. And, as stated above, other than not getting caught, there is little incentive to be 100% legit these days.

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