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R600 < 8800gtx :0

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R600 is getting owned in almost every test, and unless the resolution is over a 2k width the extra memory gddr4 doesnt seem to help. Hopefully this thing doesnt cost more then 400, amd seems to be in big trouble with this pos



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Yeah, some folks got a hold of these new cards at XS and the top OCed run is falling about 7K!!!!!!! short in 3DMark06.......7k is a huge margin in 06. It's a huge margin in all 3DMark really.

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I was going to save for the r600 because it HAD to be faster coming out many months after the 8800gtx. Luckily I decided to get the 8800gtx o/c'd. I'm not any companies fanboy but I have had more success with nvidia as far as performance goes. I love AMD's cpu's but they really dropped the ball on this one. Even equivalent performance to the 8800gtx would have been disappointing, but worse? Come on AMD

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Few things, the R600, X2900XT is GDDR3 and 512mb. It was aimed at the 8800GTS, not the GTX.


THe GTS is also beating it in most catagories. But the drivers for teh ATI are still fresh, so she will be better later on.


However, the power consumption is something you cannot change. It draws over 50 watts more than what the OC'd 8800gts consumes. And you need an 8 pin to OC.



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The card actually draws 100w more power. 75w pci-e slot, 75w x 2 for two six pin connection, 120w for the 8 pin which you need to use if you are going to OC the card. Basically, you need 225w just for this card. So if you don't have a new PSU with 8 pin, you cannot even get the most from this card, they do not include any kind of 8 pin adapters with the card.

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It's not pretty. I was disappointed to read the review. The 2900 falls short in excessive power comsumption, heat generation (gpu current leaks) and price. It's aimed at the GTS and the GTS comes away cleanly. It's disappointing to see, especially when nVid releases a 8800 Ultra for a rediculous amount of money, with not much performance over a decently clocked GTX. I was hoping for some decent competition to keep pricing lower. I hope that nVid doesn't decide to really hike pricing with the 8900's.

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Did any of you go back and look at the site after they tested with the relese drivers- the one you can get now the results are not the same and should improve. The card doesn't use much all that much more power than the GTX and at time gets better results even with early drivers. Anyone notice the site screaming out we are impartial we dont use canned benchmarks then use a canned bench to test power usage duh. :tooth:

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Did any of you go back and look at the site after they tested with the relese drivers- the one you can get now the results are not the same and should improve. The card doesn't use much all that much more power than the GTX and at time gets better results even with early drivers. Anyone notice the site screaming out we are impartial we dont use canned benchmarks then use a canned bench to test power usage duh. :tooth:


listen to the voice of reason people....drivers are the lifeblood of video cards and we ALL remember Nvidia's drivers falling short at release (and they still suck for 8800's though not as bad as previous suckage)


everyone needs to step back and be objective...the card isn't even on a shelf yet, the drivers are still alpha...yet you all run around like chicken little screaming OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMGOM OMGOMGOMGOMGOM ITS NOT GOOOOOOOOD ENOUGH YETTTTT!!!!

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Guest Retratserif

The R600 does have many advantages that the 8800 doesnt have though. Its based on different style of technology. Who knows, it may be optimized or actually used to its fullest ability. Though I am sure its just going to be swept under the carpet if sales dont pick up.

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My initial disappointment came from reading the [H] review and it was negative. On some level, I realize that drivers are immature and will develop over time. Reading the tech reviews of the gpu architecture, it sounds very promising. ATI/AMD have taken a somewhat different route than nVidia. I found that the fact that the gpu was said to use more power and generated more heat because of gpu current leaks disappointing. I had hoped that ATI had learned their lessons from the x1900's, similar to nVidia with their 5xxx cards. Once nVidia got their process down, the 6xxx & beyond cards have been excellent. ATI seems to be in that same place right now. I'm hoping that they can pull themselves through this period and come out of it with a very competitive product.

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