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I'm Bored


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Well i'm jobless and I have so much time on my hands that i exhaust myself doing nothing. So i need a cheap hobby, any suggestions? I could always finish this 1:48 scale P-40B i have sitting around, but lately i dont have a very steady hand. So what can I do besides going womanising every other night???? it has to be cheap until my EI comes in!! I can't even OC my computer unil I find a better heat sink.

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I am looking for a job, but the demand is in a lull right now so its either do nothing or work at Wendy's.

Go for Wendy's man, then get a VW microBus and drive yoruself, your computer, and your nerd friends to the next CPL in your GEEK-mobile. But that is just what i would do...

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-go to home depot and rent some equipment then mod your case to hell...


-get a new vid game.


-write up your resume again and post/send it everywhere.


-customize your desktop.


-tweak your OS


-hmmm dunno

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