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3dmark 05' & 06'

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i was going to post a OCDB for my set up and i cant get the above mentioned version of 3dmark to give me a number they just say this online thingy which "submission failed" is all i get i can save the results but that is all dont know how to get the results for a screen shot any help

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The score value has some relativity to the actual OCDB submission and is also part of validating that the system did really run these apps.. otherwise there is no point in showing a screen shot with Submit score Online ...something that CTRL-C & CTRL-V makes easy work for any OCDB entry.


The New releases of 3DM05/06 now require an online submission for a result to be shown or the user must have a Pro version which allows off-line score results to be shown.


The FM site has had some submission issues recently where results have failed to be uploaded... this will casue non-Pro members problems as they will have to either wait until the FM site comes back online or rerun the apps for new result, Pro members can save their results and submit them later.


We don't give a crap about the number... just that you finished.

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Having 3dMark scores in a SSDB or OCDB submission in an important part of the entry. While neither section is to be used as a benchmarking competition, being able to compare scores to similar systems allows a person to judge if the performance of their system is where it should be.


With the latest updates to 3d05 and 06, obtaining a score is not always possible. The submission process is unreliable at best. From one day to the next there is no guarantee that a submission can be accomplished.


If a system contains an add-in card or other hardware that Futuremark has not yet added to the hardware list, the submission will also fail.


At this point in time the submission process that Futuremark has implemented is flawed and unreliable. It is really doubtful that this will change. If the pro version of the software is used these problems are alleviated. It appears that quite a few people are purchasing the pro version to avoid these problems. So why would it be in Futuremark's best interest to change the current situation?


While being able to compare scores to other systems in the databases is a huge help, the main purpose of the benchmarks has always been to prove the system is stable enough to complete them.


A message displayed saying the benchmark has successfully completed but without a score displayed serves the purpose that the benchmark was originally intended to demonstrate.

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A message displayed saying the benchmark has successfully completed but without a score displayed serves the purpose that the benchmark was originally intended to demonstrate.


That's all we are saying. Having the numbers is a good thing but not really necessary since the main objectives are to show completion and stability. I do, however, like to see how much numerical score improvement can be expected to occur in certain OCing situations. It helps me decide if I want to go there.

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This is really a discussion that needs to be in the OCDB forum, however showing the message without a score will only be valid if the ScreenShot also contains the CPUz tabs showing the OC & Mem Settings, much in the same way as the 3DM01 & Prime image must be shown.


The emphasis on the OCDB is about stability rather than copy & pasting skills and without a score or FM Compare link there seems no point in filling up DIY's forums with screens of non-validated information.


A message displayed saying the benchmark has successfully completed but without a score displayed serves the purpose that the benchmark was originally intended to demonstrate.

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