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AMD Opteron 165

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Well, they told me to post it here!


My sig lies, it's only 1gb right now.


Trying to get some good clocks.. stable and am having one hell of a time doing it.


I followed this guide for my ram


DRAM Timings:

**Dram Frequency Set (Mhz)**= 100(Mhz)(1/02), 120(Mhz)(3/05), 133(Mhz)(2/03), 140(Mhz)(7/10), 150(Mhz)(3/04), 166(Mhz)(5/06), 180(Mhz)(9/10), 200(Mhz)(1/01).- This is simply the Dram ratio option.

This option sets the Dram ratio. With a64, the ratios are not always written in stone, for example 166(5/06) isn’t always 5/6 ratio. You can refer to this chart for the exact ratios (they may not all be right, and thanks to Oskar_WU for his help with the chart) Large Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

**Command Per Clock (CPC)**= Auto, Enable(1T), Disable(2T), this is also called Command rate. It is best, in most cases to Disable for (2T) w/ 2x512 Ram modules.

Large Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.


*Cas Latency Control (tCL)**= 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5. I would suggest only using, 2, 2.5, and 3.

Added Note: This is the first timing that most ram companies rate their ram with. For example, you might see ram rated at 3-4-4-8 @275mhz. this is the 3, in than situation.

2 yields the best performance, but, unless you have either Winbond BH-5, or BH-6, it is unlikely you will be able to reach you maximum over clock at CAS2. CAS3 is usually yields the best stability/over clock.


Slight Influence on Bandwidth / Large Influence on Stability.

**RAS# to CAS# delay (tRCD)**= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. I would suggest only using 2-5. Added Note: This is the second timing that most ram companies rate there ram with. For example, you might see ram rated at 3-4-4-8@275mhz. this is the 4, in than situation.

2 yields the best performance, and 4-5 (5 is usually overkill) yields the best over clock. Most rams will not be able to use 2, and reach their max OC.

Large Influence on Bandwidth/ Stability.

*Min RAS# active timing (tRAS)*= 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. I would suggest only 00, and 5-10.

Added Note: This is the fourth timing that most ram companies rate there ram with. For example, you might see ram rated at 3-4-4-8 @275mhz. this is the 8, in that situation.

This is a much debated timing. Some may argue that 00, 05, or 10 is the faster/most stable. But I really think there isn’t a right answer for this one, it all depends on your ram. But, if you need a good starting point, usually most/all ram can achieve their max OC on 10 tRAS, even if one of the other settings is faster.

Slight Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

**Row Precharge timing (tRP)**= 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. I would suggest using only 2-5.

Added Note: This is the third timing that most ram companies rate there ram with. For example, you might see ram rated at 3-4-4-8 @275mhz. this is the 4, in that situation.

2 yields the best performance, and 4-5(5 is usually overkill) yields the best over clock. Most ram will not be able to use 2, and reach there max OC.

Large Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

**Row Cycle Time(tRC)**= 7-22 in 1.0 increments. 7 yields the best performance, 15-17(i think 17 is overkill) yields the best stability/over clock. I would start at 15, and work your way down from there. Also, 7 is usually much too tight, for most ram.

Large Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

**Row Refresh cycle time (tRFC)**= 9-24 in 1.0 increments. This timing is usually always set to 2-4 clocks higher that the tRC.

10 yields the best performance (well 9 would, but 9 is too tight), and 17-19(I think 19 is overkill) yields the best stability/over clock. I would start at 17 and work your way down.

Large Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

*Row to Row Delay(also called Ras to Ras delay)(tRRD)*= 0-7 in 1.0 increments. 00 yields the best performance and 4 (I think anything above that is overkill) yields the best stability/over clock. I know that 00 sounds odd, but it works great for me, even at 260 MHz

Slight Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

*Write Recovery Time (tWR)*= 2, 3. 2 yields better performance, and 3 yields better stability/over clock.

Slight Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

*Write to read Delay (tWTR)*= 1, 2. 1 yields better performance and 2 yields better stability/over clock.

Slight Influence on Bandwidth/ Stability.

*Read to Write delay (tRTW)*= 1-8 in 1.0 increments. 1 yields better performance, and 4(I think any above 4 is overkill) yields better stability/over clock.

Slight Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

Refresh Period (tREF)*= 0032-4708 in variable increments.

1552= 100mhz(?.?us)

2064= 133mhz(?.?us)

2592= 166mhz(?.?us)

3120= 200mhz(?.?us)(my sweat spot w/ Bh-6 at 250+mhz , your mileage may vary)


3632= 100mhz(?.?us)

4128= 133mhz(?.?us)

4672= 166mhz(?.?us)

0064= 200mhz(?.?us)


0776= 100mhz(?.?us)

1032= 133mhz(?.?us)

1296= 166mhz(?.?us)

1560= 200mhz(?.?us)


1816= 100mhz(?.?us)

2064= 133mhz(?.?us)

2336= 166mhz(?.?us)

0032= 200mhz(?.?us)


0388= 100mhz(15.6us)

0516= 133mhz(15.6us)

0648= 166mhz(15.6us)

0780= 200mhz(15.6us)


0908= 100mhz(7.8us)

1032= 133mhz(7.8us)

1168= 166mhz(7.8us)

0016= 200mhz(7.8us)


1536= 100mhz(3.9us)

2048= 133mhz(3.9us)

2560= 166mhz(3.9us)

3072= 200mhz(3.9us)


3684= 100mhz(1.95us)

4196= 133mhz(1.95us)

4708= 166mhz(1.95us)

0128= 200mhz(1.95us)

I suppose that the tREF, like the tRAS, is not an exact science. it seems that the 15.6us, and 3.9us settings seem to work good, and that the 1.95us settings give usual results (extremely low bandwidth for me)

The unknown (?.?us) are kind of shot in the dark, for me, out of all the setting 3120 gave the best balance of performance, and stability, but I feel this will greatly vary from one ram to another

Slight Influence on Stability.

Write CAS# Latency (tWCL)**= 1-8, I can only post using auto or 1. If you have had any successes with this timing please post here.

Added Note by RGone… #5 in setting works on my board with “any” brand or size and speed of memory!

Large Influence on Stability.

*DQS skew Control*= Auto, Increase Skew, Decrease Skew. Increase for performance, and Decrease for Stability.

Slight Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

*DQS Skew Value*= 0-255 in 1.0 increments. This is the value that is Increased or Decrease when you set the DQS skew control. This is not a very sensitive timing I would try 50-255.

Slight Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

DRAM Drive Strength**= Level 1-4 I would only suggest using Level 1 or 3, if you have CPC enabled. With CPC, anything above level 1 gave me extreme instability, some reported that level 3 work good with CPC enabled, although this didn’t work for me. Some others have had success w/ using level 2-4 if CPC is disabled.

Large Influence on Stability.

*Max Async. Lantency*= 00.0-15.0 in 1.0 increments. I would suggest trying 5.0-10.0

Slight Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

* Read Preamble time*= 02.0-09.5 nano sec, in 0.5 increments. I would suggest 4.0-7.0 depending on ram.

Slight Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

*Idle Cycle Limit*= . 000-256 in varied increments. I would try 16-32 clocks.

Slight Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

*Dynamic Counter*= Auto, Enable, Disable. Enable for very slight performance increase. Disable for slight stability increase.

Slight Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

*R/W Queue Bypass*= 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x. I would suggest using 8x or 16x. 2x or 4x for max OC.

Slight Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

*Bypass Max*= 0x-7x in 1.0 increments. I would suggest 5x-7x for max performance. 0x-4x for max OC.

Slight Influence on Bandwidth/Stability.

*32 byte Granulation= Auto, Disable (8burst), enable (4burst). Try Disable (8burst) for more bandwidth. Try enabling 4 burst for more stability

Slight Influence on Bandwidth.


Kinda stable up to 2.5ghz and 1.32v core.


My ram settings right now,


Type	Dual Channel  (128-bit)

Active Mode	Dual Channel  (128-bit)

Memory Timings	

CAS Latency (CL)	2T

RAS To CAS Delay (tRCD)	5T

RAS Precharge (tRP)	5T

RAS Active Time (tRAS)	8T

Row Cycle Time (tRC)	12T

Row Refresh Cycle Time (tRFC)	19T

Command Rate (CR)	2T

RAS To RAS Delay (tRRD)	4T

Write Recovery Time (tWR)	3T

Read To Write Delay (tRTW)	4T

Write To Read Delay (tWTR)	2T

Write CAS Latency (tWCL)	1T

Refresh Period (tREF)	200 MHz 15.6 us

DQS Skew Control	Decrease Skew

DQS Skew Value	50

DRAM Drive Strength	Normal

DRAM Data Drive Strength	2  (30% Reduction)

Max Async Latency	10 ns

Read Preamble Time	7.0 ns

Idle Cycle Limit	128

Dynamic Idle Cycle Counter	Disabled

Read/Write Queue Bypass	4

Bypass Max	4

32-byte Granularity	Disabled

Error Correction	

ECC	Supported, Disabled

ChipKill ECC	Supported, Disabled

RAID	Not Supported

DRAM Scrub Rate	Disabled

L1 Data Cache Scrub Rate	Disabled

L2 Cache Scrub Rate	Disabled

Memory Slots	

DRAM Slot #1	512 MB  (PC3200 DDR SDRAM)

DRAM Slot #2	512 MB  (PC3200 DDR SDRAM)


my temps are:




Motherboard	38 °C 

CPU	32 °C  

CPU #1 / Core #1	28 °C 

CPU #1 / Core #2	28 °C 

North Bridge	38 °C  

GPU1: GPU	41 °C  

GPU2: GPU	42 °C  

Maxtor 6L300S0	27 °C  

WDC WD800JB-00JJC0	24 °C


2 minutes loaded


Motherboard	44 °C 

CPU	43 °C 

CPU #1 / Core #1	51 °C 

CPU #1 / Core #2	49 °C 

North Bridge	39 °C 

GPU1: GPU	42 °C  

GPU2: GPU	43 °C  

Maxtor 6L300S0	21 °C 

WDC WD800JB-00JJC0	22 °C


Right now I have it at [email protected] from [email protected]


Anything else that's needed just ask.


BIOS is the one from DFI's web site, date is 03/29/2006

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Yeah, don't classy lady about it unless you want to buy me another :P


And they are, 128bit, dual channel


Nothing in the database about PC3200 ballistix


use PC4000 Ballistix 2x512 for reference (they were the same IC's if I remember, and I never met a pair of PC3200 Ballistix 2x512's that wouldn't do 250)

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Yeah, don't classy lady about it unless you want to buy me another :P


And they are, 128bit, dual channel


Nothing in the database about PC3200 ballistix


That particular Ultra PSU is really hit and miss - as in a hit for me - and a turd for just about everyone else. I used one for quite a while, and it never gave me a problem, or limited an OC. Not true for 90% of the rest of the population. High OCs really draw the juice...and sag the rails on elcheapo PSUs. Get a better PSU + learn the OC guides (especially RAM) - and you'll be on your way :)

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1st What works for me is,140=RAM/FSB:07/10. ram time cas ect. 2-4-8-4-10-14-2-3-2-2-3120. test with OCCT first ,(faster than prime) to make stable,not to hot,then prime. 2. Fastfish jr. has Hyper x 500-fx55-ecs kn1 lite. works ok untill you OC.then rails drop voltage(OCCT test)@2700 now untill new Psu! Good luck on OC. P.S. glad Games is driving the bus!!!:angel:

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