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So Ya Think You Want to Go to Vista Huh???


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yea atleast windows gives you the freedom to choice any piece of hardware you want unlike MACOSX which controls what hardware goes on there system OS. I will wait a month before i buy a windowXP from newegg since their Express Upgrade Promo offer is good until March 15, 2007 as noted http://promotions.newegg.com/microsoft/vista/TechGuarn.html

or here. Eitherway I will stick with XP until then and use linux for everyday things like browsing the net, listening to my music collection, playing UT/ET/DOOM,chatting, video conferencing, 3d modeling & software development. :)

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Apple would make so much more money by ditching their MACs and making their OS available for everyone not just MAC users. Like I said earlier, Apple ain't too bright on this part.

Which is quite obvious when surveys shows that the average user is 50 years or more of age. Nothing wrong with that age, but it pretty much proves your point. Their strategy doesn’t conform to how consumers behave these days.


Linux is not even a player until they make the OS as easy to install and use as M$, and get more support.

My comments to this would be:


- Player on the bigger market? Of course not. When nobody really owns anything and thousands of volunteers really just do what they feel for, how could it be a player? Many developers aren't even interested in how well their distro goes down with common folks, their interest is simply a better operating system, which works for them and their community. Gentoo is having this problem right now; a whole lot of developers are doing their own thing without a coherent strategy. Still Linux/BSD/OpenSolaris are relevant alternatives for people who care.


- Installation? It all depends on which distro you choose; several of them do have faster and easier installation (without any tweaks would you really be able to install XP in 10 minutes including choosing partitions and having a working desktop with a bunch of extra software?) with far better hardware detection (you have to realize that I continuously test these distros and compare them to MS products I use). However if you really feel like an expert you could choose damn difficult paths compiling everything from scratch. It's a choice.


- Easy of use? Much of this is simply a question of what you’re used to, but then you have some real issues proving you right. There are some fast easy distros out there, but many times they become very difficult because of video drivers, not because there doesn’t exist any, but because it might at times get frustratingly difficult to get everything right between kernel, kernel-headers, xorg and drivers. And with less optimized drivers you might encounter difficulties with video rendering and other stuff as well.


On the other hand if MS products would be as easy as some thinks the earth wouldn’t be full of MS technical support. When I look back I realize how many tricks and tweaks I’ve actually learned over the years, just to get XP for example to work as I wish. In other words I’ve used a lot of time doing that. Still that’s what we mean when we say “easy”.


I haven’t written anything new, nothing close to it. Nevertheless I would like to make one point:

- I think many MS users do mistake themselves when making judgments about Linux. They expect the Linux community to behave like companies in the likeness of MS, but it doesn’t. It’s open and some developers choose to feel totally free to develop whatever they like.



I suppose soundx98 thinks less of my post. ;)

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Installing the Vista RTM right now.....


popped in the DVD as I was in XP-32 and got the upgrade option....you must read the direction...on the link of what you need to know about Vista...there are things you may need to disable (serial keys) as such...


just checked it out and decided to do a fresh install on a seperate partition...


when you boot from the DVD you get the option to install which version you bought... all versions are on one disk at this time...


you just have to make sure you select which version matches your key or you'll be re-installing soon...;)


So far I really like the 10 minute install time....;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

dear god, my world is becoming slower and slower lol ( not going to flame this post )

ok from what i have read in the link and the following posts

A blame falls in more than one persons lap

B look at my sig, if i did have a HD player and a HD vid card, and a HD monitor ( with a good secure connection ) and the info on the content protection was true do you honistly think my OLD cpu would be able to play nice and smooth ( i already have problems with mp3's and wmp cpu usage goes WAY up 80% +)

C maybe before letting you buy HD content you'd have to make sure that you have the system specs to play it, like buying a game and looking at the requirments ( that you dont meet ) and going ah there just recomendations and then it runs like crap. ( the point - if you cant use it then dont buy it )

D after reading that my first thought was " i am never getting vista " then i was like what if a new game comes along and i want to play it sucks for me, or i want kill some consolers that are on xbox live ( crazy people and there eye/thumb powers lol keyboard & mouse FTW )

E somewhere i read an example about music vids on tv i agree ms didn't HAVE to do this they wanted to

F i am poor, i build my pc's for the price to preformance ratio advantage. i build on an >$700 budget. i really dont want my cheapo $hit ( ultra ram lol cpu-z told me that it was a patriot chip) turning into expensive cheapo $hit

G if i buy something and windows wont let me use it gets black listed or whatever, should i be entited to a refund by someone? not my doing that made my hardware not work, but would this be like setting up a system with a dead psu and thrying to rma my mobo, cpu, vid card, and hard drives?

H i like to game so linux is not a solve all, i like and use linux at school and home but some times it is just a pain in the a$$. when it reaches the same sort of level as win 98 ( in terms of ease of use, tooo much command line bs, i am too lazy for that )

ok i think i am done

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I've been running Vista since the Betas and I have been running the RTM since the 1st of this year and havent had any issues yet other than only hving 2 channel sound...Other than that I say it's a good step in the right direction...


I'd say for those of you that want it...coin up....for those that dont....invest your funds elsewhere...


pretty much that simple...


I really enjoy the OS and will continue to use it...it has a lot of features I wish XP had..

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What brand of crack are they smoking? What the hell should they even care about DRM for, anyway? They're not the ones providing content, so what should they care if people are pirating? Well, except for the whole part about being bribed by the RIAA/MPAA and their affiliates.


I hope people aren't stupid enough to fall for this bull crap, because if they are, we're looking at some dark times ahead. Between this and all the talk about the Internet being made into a private network, we're looking at the advent of a digital 1984.


Digital 1984... wonder if they'll call it 11111000000. :sweat:

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I did notice something I dont like...I cant (as of now) send music file thru IM either...


In XP I can put a whole cd or just a few songs in IM when I transfer for work..


but in vista it wont let me do it...I can drag them there but it cancels out before it sends..

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I did notice something I dont like...I cant (as of now) send music file thru IM either...


In XP I can put a whole cd or just a few songs in IM when I transfer for work..


but in vista it wont let me do it...I can drag them there but it cancels out before it sends..


Try changing the file extension to .fsckvsta or something.

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Apple would make so much more money by ditching their MACs and making their OS available for everyone not just MAC users.


If they did make their OS available for everyone, it would pretty much take them straight out of the hardware business, or at least reduce their margins significantly.


But if they did release their OS for use on non-Macs, I would be the first in line to buy it. I like OSX way better then Windows.

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Guest r3d c0m3t

I don't know what Microsoft was hopped up on when they turned Vista into a tight-butt MRI exam, but I won't be upgrading for at least a few years, maybe not even that. I'll most likely be sticking with XP long after SP3 has been released.

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