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Official LanParty ICFX3200-T2R/G Overclocking Help/Discussion


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I am little bit disappointed from early reports that fsb is limited to 511mhz. It's great for 6600/6700 users, however for minority 8x511 simply won't cut :)

I'll try to assume that you are being sarcastic or humorous, but if you are not, I will flat out tell you that you are full of nonsense and so is anyone else that reads this and takes this seriously.


I'm disgusted by the few that think something like 511x8 isn't enough when not a single one of those who have an 8x multiplier have come nor will come anywhere close to 4+ Ghz on air or even water.


It just isn't going to happen (before anyone cries like a girl, show me your 4Ghz+ OCDB stable setup...ah...you can't because you don't have one).



Rgone and I have spent a lot of time on the phone lately and this is exactly the kind of nonsense we are not interested in anyone around here yapping about.


OMG 66002323FSB is not enough!


No offense to you ooz, as you know you are my bro....but this is getting to be...dumb (not you personally, just the whole stupid OMG I CAN'T OVERCLOCK TILL 65GHZ !!!! I'M GOING BACK TO ASUS DFI SUX!).


Some people...need to get a life. Rgone and I have been clocking the crap out of the original 975 boards for a good couple of months and neither of us have inched much farther than 3600Mhz stable, and neither has anyone else.


Now the RD600 is out and some fairy flew into your room at night and whispered that you should be getting 989x7 overclocks somehow...



I hate to be ugly, nasty, hateful person, but it's time for a reality check again people.


Name me a single board that you can get 511FSB out of.


Now, on top of that, tell me honestly how many people have this board to get 511FSB out of...oh yeah, that's right...less than 5 people in the entire world...and the guy writing the review...I don't know him but I'm gonna say he ain't the same kind of overclocker that Rgone is. So let's all wait and see what Rgone says, and what OCZ Tony comes up with.


Sheesh...the board has been in a user's hand for less than a week and already the crying and whining and spouting about things you know nothing about already happening...go figure.



How about you all keep quiet for a while until you can actually buy the board...that way we get the boards into the hands of users here who are capable and then we can get more than ONE REVIEWER'S opinion on it...?


sounds like a plan to me.



again, ooz, no offense...but I'm in no mood for this nonsense to start right back up with a bunch of know-it-alls who "read a review" and then decide they want to come here and spout all over to anyone who will listen "OMG IT WON'T GO PAST 511FSB WHICH IS MORE THAN I'LL EVER GET ANYWAY SINCE I DON'T HAVE PROPER COOLING TO GET 4GHZ BUT I'M GONNA WASTE FORUM SPACE WHINING THAT IT ISN'T ENOUGH FSB OMG OMG OMG OMG!"

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great points Travis,


as I am, and hopefully many of us are, aware that 500+ fsb is moreee than we need. Furthermore, with all other bios settings (at least from the shots and tony's guide), this board will rock when it hits the retail market.


It was only my cheap butt telling me that my exotic cooling system (phase) might not get fully utilized with the 510 fsb. I called myself cheap because i know that if I would like to get better clocks then I should get a 6600/6700 due to cpu multi.


I hoped the ability to hit 550mhz with 8xmulti at -30 degrees, but if that's not gonna happen - it doesn't mean that board is bad. And I bet 99% of the market will be happy with their overclocks on this board...


Cheers and really would like to see your results soon!

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the reality is, if you are using Phase cooling, then 511FSB might not be enough with an 8x or even 9x multi (assuming even 50% of users could achieve 500FSB)


on water....good luck getting 4Ghz on standard watercooling, even the best standard watercooling DIY setups. I've got one of the best and at 3600Mhz, temps are starting to creep up into the high 70's and that is simply too much.

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It may be hard to believe, but some may not be all that intrested in a "global warming" overclock - at least most of thew time.


My next build will be an HTPC, so stability, and super snapy SATA drive and RAM performance is more my goal, while being able to run cool and quite with a modest OC.


What has always attracted me to DFI Lanparty boards is the multiple saved BIOS setups I can have.

When I want to really wind the machine out, there it is.

Day-in day-out computing, just select a different set of BIOS settings and bang! - I'm back where I need to be, no fuss no muss.


So far investing in the best that DFI makes has provided me with everything I've hoped for - every penny's worth. :)


It's still too early to tell for sure with this board, but what I read is very encouraging.


Thank You Happy and Rgone!

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the reality is, if you are using Phase cooling, then 511FSB might not be enough with an 8x or even 9x multi (assuming even 50% of users could achieve 500FSB)


on water....good luck getting 4Ghz on standard watercooling, even the best standard watercooling DIY setups. I've got one of the best and at 3600Mhz, temps are starting to creep up into the high 70's and that is simply too much.




yep, and the concave C2D doesnt help. 500FSB is enough for 98% of overclockers.

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If the same concave problem as the Socket 478's were (both Northwood and Prescott), a little carefull laping of the IHS really helped me out a few years ago.


I had no idea just how badly cupped the IHS was untill I had just begun to lap.

The only thing that had any sanding marks at all were the corners.


Although I never measured the temps before vs after, they must have been quite large.

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In general I think we might be missing the point here about overclocking. Most of us that try to overclock our rigs do it to get to the next level of performance without having to pay the extra $$$ that would have been paid for a higher frequency cpu. It all comes down to economics and for some bragging rights. For me its a bit of both but I will feel better no matter how far I go regardless of walls I hit and still think to myself I paid for so much speed and I am getting more than what I paid for.


Regardless of me beign able to get 1Mhz or 1Ghz over the stock speed I am happy because I was able to go beyond stock and save moeny at the same time. So sad that other people are non comformist and go well beyond the scope and dont realize that everything has a limit.

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Current hacked SLI driver may already work...I'd swear I'd seen it mentioned already (as working) which would be nice while I still have my 7900gtx's and the spacing is the same as my Infinity. Ultimately I'd like to drop back down to a single card but that's for another thread :)

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Guest Retratserif

500 FSB with a multi of 8 or 9 would still be overkill for everyday use.


Now having 500 at a 1:1 Ratio and a multi of 7 and 1T timings, well that would be plain awsome if your temps would hold. I personally would be happy with 457 1:1 even at 2T timings. That will be plenty power for the next year or two of gaming.


If 511 is supposively not enough for some people, what would be? I mean, what is the best FSB conroe motherbaord out atm. Stable setup, not a crack shot on nitro.

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