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sound issue

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Well, after longer than 18 months running with my old Antec 380W power supply, I recently installed the OCZ GameXStream 700W, and also did the replacement fan for the chipset, Twinkling VC-RE. When I brought the computer back to life after the replacements, everything worked well, except for the sound.


I am using 2 sets of small, powered speakers in a "quadrophonic" arrangement, that is a stereo pair for the front speakers, and another pair for the rear speakers.


When I powered the computer after making the replacements, I had no sound from the speakers. I tried the NVidia software to see if I could get them to work, and it ran me through its test. It played white noise through each speaker individually and asked me to report whether or not I could hear them (I did hear them). But after I closed the NVidia software, there was still no sound! I tried several more times, changing settings, configurations, etc. to try to get something, but there was no sound.


I checked on the Internet, and saw several recommendations to update the RealTek driver and to use their software, so I downloaded ver 3.94, but this was no help.


I've had this motherboard for about 18 months now, and these are my issues:

[1] the "add-on" sound module is really flimsy and makes it difficult to plug into and out

[2] this is perhaps the third or fourth time that the sound has disappeared and it has always taken a while to get it back, and there really is no consistent procedure, I usually have to just kind of noodle around with it until I get the sound back


With that in mind, I'm thinking about adding a cheap little sound card to hopefully eliminate these problems. I am asking everyone for advice about this.


If I do add a sound card, will I be able to just remove that "add-on" sound module on the motherboard?


Also, some of the sound cards that I saw have those 15-pin joystick connectors. I occasionally do use a joystick, and it is currently plugged into a USB port. Would there be any advantage to connecting to the 15-pin connector?


thanks to all.

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[1] the "add-on" sound module is really flimsy and makes it difficult to plug into and out


I assume you are talking about the Karajan module. Tho it is a little flimsy, it’s not that flimsy. It suggests that maybe you don’t have it mounted to the board with a good solid connection. I’ve never had a problem with mine. I’d do a search on Karajan here in the forums. You will find enough to keep you reading for a couple of days.


First thing I would do is reseat the Karajan module. Should be able to do it without pulling the motherboard out of the case.


Second thing to try is to completely uninstall the RealTek driver, and do a fresh install.


There is also a ton of info on 3rd party sound cards here on the Street, and a couple of cards that most here on the Street recommend, tho the names escape me now. Don’t see why you couldn’t add a sound card and remove the Karajan module if you want to, but that might not be your problem.

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