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i think i might be in deep s***


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Same thing happened to me at school...long story short...i told them that indeed i wastn around...or been using the pc at that time...so it wasnt my fault..if comps keeps bursting into fire around me its just karma...not me.


Comps doesnt fry with delay...the just explode in your face...or keep working until the ends of time (?)

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they called me in today. i havent ever really been in alot of trouble before at this school, so the principal let me go. She told me about what happened to the computer, it shorted out and i told her about how i hadnt used that computer since a week or two before it broke.


I dont think its quite over though, they might ask some of the people who were sitting next to me before they decide finally. I dont think they would let me off the hook this easy, but they really dont have any more proof on me than anyone else so im not sure...


Many of the people in the forum are not from Texas. I am a native Texan and am familiar with the school systems. I remember the huge book of rules of conduct :eek2: that my kids brought home when we enrolled them in school in Houston.

Just stick to the facts and stand by your statements to the principal when you were questioned. You shouldn't be so paranoid about it unless the school administration has a history of going on witch hunts to blame students when electrical or electronic devices (computers included) fail. After all, nothing that is electrical or electronic lasts forever.:)

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this is what happened when i was called in:


principal: i havent seen you in a while. i wanted to talk to you about bcis class. your teacher told me that she saw you with the computer open in class.


me: yes, i was looking at it.


principal: and what did she tell you to do when she saw you?


me: she said never to do that again, and i havent and i wont do it ever again.


principal: well the computer broke and the techs said it had gum and ink in it. you wouldnt do that would you?


me: no i wouldnt ever do something like that. a computer shorts out instantly, she saw me open then computer about a month before it broke and i hadnt used it in two weeks when it broke.


principal: well i knew you wouldnt do something like that. im not accusing you of doing it, i just had to call you in because the teacher saw you and it broke now. do you have any idea who might have done it?


me: no, it must have been another class because i never saw anyone.


principal: ok, well you understand right? im not accusing you i just had to call you in to talk to you. but you wouldnt do that.


me: no, i wouldnt do that.


principal: well you can go back to class now.


me: thank you


I guess its over, i talked to a girl who sat next to me and she said they never called her in so they might just leave it at that. The principal is nice and knows im a good kid. thanks for your support guys

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Good going Mihkail, like I said, he was fishing. On top of that, he had already made up his mind in the case. You did the right thing, and things worked out the way they should.


As far as support, you've got mine 100% anytime. But there is a catch, the same catch I have on my own kids... Be in the right. I will back anybody, regardless of the situation, as long as you're right. That doesn't always mean legal, but morally right. But you already seen where honesty, and a good reputation got you. Just don't let anything, or anyone tarnish that. At the end of the day, that's all you've got. (End of lecture).


Anyway, congratulations, and I think I speak for everybody here... Good job, now get back to your studies!


:) :) :)

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gum and ink did I read that right sounds like a case of sabatage lol she should be questioning any and every one who has ever used the computer.

for example 3 years back my sophmore year in highschool intro to java programing class I was called into the office because the found malicious software on the computer(key logger and other things to capture passwords and so forth) routine questioning but they did it to every student that had used the machien in the past year and most schools now days require a unique id and pasword for each student to log in to a pc making it tracable such as why I was called in for using the computer only once.

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Looks like you learned a lesson here. WHile it's good you did not take any heat for causing the PC to break, you indirectly were included because you were messing around with it. Hopefuly you won't , as you said, do it again.


I am the same way, I get curious around other PCs, but I think we all know that any kind of school PC is never worth looking at. It probaly has onboard video and is certainly not an "enthusiast" PC. :rolleyes:

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In High School, we had Apple ][e computers that ran off of 5.25" floppies. You put the floppy in, you booted, it ran whatever was on the disk. Pretty simple and mostly menu driven to do a text editor. Students like myself would do their paper (a specifically assigned document), save it to the disk (via highly detailed instructions on the blackboard), and then exit the application to the prompt. By the time I got to High School, I had been doing some basic programming, playing Zaxxon, had a 286, etc. and I thought I'd be cute so I programmed in:


10 print "NameOfMyHighSchool Mascot Rocks! ";

20 goto 10


I ran the programm and it's as expected, with endless scroll. Pretty sweet, actually, and a bit of school pride. All is well in my world. Two days later without warning I am called to the principal's office. I have no clue what's going on, maybe my grades were subpar or something. I come to find out that the Computer Sciences teacher thought the machine was hosed up and formatted the disk, causing all the other students who'd used the floppy to lose their data, including mine, and reported me for quote, "maliciously destroying a computer." Riiiight. I laughed. I really, honestly did. Right at the principal. After I explained exactly what I did and how I had already forgotten more about computers than the teacher had learned, and that what I did had no malicious intent nor even required the teacher to do anything short of turning it off (or ctrl-break), the principal had a smirk too. Nothing was done but I was told to stay out of the computer class for the rest of my time. Apparently, he didn't want me to call the teacher a stupid cow. :P


So, in the end, remember that you probably know more about the computers than your teachers. If they're pissed, they can do the DNA thing on the gum.

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I'm glad things worked out well for you.


As an old_geekster, I have to tell you that your reputation is what saved your butt. This is what your parents have been telling you since you big enough to understand. You are what you are perceived to be. Keep your nose clean and stay out of trouble and they will always treat you this way.:) :)

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In High School, we had Apple ][e computers that ran off of 5.25" floppies. You put the floppy in, you booted, it ran whatever was on the disk. Pretty simple and mostly menu driven to do a text editor. Students like myself would do their paper (a specifically assigned document), save it to the disk (via highly detailed instructions on the blackboard), and then exit the application to the prompt. By the time I got to High School, I had been doing some basic programming, playing Zaxxon, had a 286, etc. and I thought I'd be cute so I programmed in:


10 print "NameOfMyHighSchool Mascot Rocks! ";

20 goto 10


I ran the programm and it's as expected, with endless scroll. Pretty sweet, actually, and a bit of school pride. All is well in my world. Two days later without warning I am called to the principal's office. I have no clue what's going on, maybe my grades were subpar or something. I come to find out that the Computer Sciences teacher thought the machine was hosed up and formatted the disk, causing all the other students who'd used the floppy to lose their data, including mine, and reported me for quote, "maliciously destroying a computer." Riiiight. I laughed. I really, honestly did. Right at the principal. After I explained exactly what I did and how I had already forgotten more about computers than the teacher had learned, and that what I did had no malicious intent nor even required the teacher to do anything short of turning it off (or ctrl-break), the principal had a smirk too. Nothing was done but I was told to stay out of the computer class for the rest of my time. Apparently, he didn't want me to call the teacher a stupid cow. :P


So, in the end, remember that you probably know more about the computers than your teachers. If they're pissed, they can do the DNA thing on the gum.

haha, would a school district really do a DNA test on some gum? how much does a DNA test cost?

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