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DFI-Street Forums Logo Contest!


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damn, just so you dudes know there are a lot of us recovering from "shock and awe" as you guys post stuff in this thread.

It's all extremely impressive to your fellow members and your efforts most certainly will increase your stature within our community.

Great work guys.

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I thought the speed fire dials were ugly heh.. but tell me what you think...




edit: also, toaster:






im not sure though... something doesn't seem right, maybe if the green bits were yellow or orange instead ?


I think the font doesn't go with it and GHZ should be spelled GHz. I also don't care for the RAM slots. They are all good elements, but they don't seem to mesh well. Try to think of a theme and adjust some of the images to match it better, just my 2c.


I agree, kccustom's is my favorite too.

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I just removed the dark/black tint that was on the left of the sign - last night I took a screenshot of the website and just copy pasted the image in there - it looked very nice - it blends in naturally since the actual image that was underneath the tint was untouched

Would it be possible to create this image with a 1024 width?


Add some extra stuff to the left?


If that is difficult I will come up with some idea to make my point to Happy as to what the hell I am thinking.



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yeah i can do that...just tell me exactly how to crop the image out and ill make it 1024 pixels wide

Well lets just make a image that is 1024 wide and 152 high.


You can cut the bottom of the toaster off for this test, I just want to see if it looks ok that wide and what effect it has on viewing the forum.





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Here is the image: 1100 pixels wide - i made it a bit bigger so you can crop out exactly what you need (since I dont know exactly what part of the image you are trying to pull out and plug into the template)





(just click on the image once while loaded in website so that it gets expanded to its normal size...)

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Here is the image: 1100 pixels wide - i made it a bit bigger so you can crop out exactly what you need (since I dont know exactly what part of the image you are trying to pull out and plug into the template)





(just click on the image once while loaded in website so that it gets expanded to its normal size...)

Ok I will brb with the posting of image to the test site.


EDIT: Ok I have some changing of the code in the template before it works the way I want it to.

It may be tomorrow before I get it squared away.



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