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Vigor Gaming Monsoon II (754, 939, AM2, LGA775) TEC cooling!


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The monster has just arrived...took some pics with an XP-120 on the left and an XP-90 on the right...they are dwarfed by this thing :)


dsc0347ht9.th.jpg dsc0348fh1.th.jpg dsc0349xt7.th.jpg


Damn, Very cool.


Yes please update us with temp comparisons, this may turn out to be my next upgrade (IF I can get it in NZ)

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It's gonna take me awhile to get it set up. I have to swap PSU's from my Ultra D rig (and not leave it a total mess in the process) and yank the gfx card as well...which I really don't want to do. I'm waiting on one of my GTX's to be repaired or replaced and don't really wanna mess with an old ATI x700 pro...might have to run to the local PcClub and pick up a 7950gt or somethin'...


I will post some pics though once I get it mounted to the mobo...gonna be a chore all by my lonesome.

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dsc0353jg5.th.jpg dsc0356tx4.th.jpg dsc0357ar3.th.jpg


Looks perty sweet...it was a close call with the inner fan door but it clears. I'll be able to run two fans at the bottom and upper right so it's all good. Can't wait to see how this beasty looks with a whole bunch of blue glow seeping out of every crevice and grill...I really didn't think I'd like the 830...but it's a rael bit of eye candy up close and personal and all in black.


My first major nit pick...this thing is a mondo challenge to mount by yourself. Hell it's probably just as bad with two people. I can see the argument right now :) "hold it steady!"..."qit tilting the damn board!!"..."wtf is your problem? need a drink to steady your hands?!?"...:P


And never you mind about the piece of hardware it's mounted to... ;) Gotta take the other guys for a spin now and then to see if they're up to snuff.

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