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New Build 939-Ultra-D or AM2-ULTRAII-M2 ?


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First off, thanks to this forum & all the contributers for their great input!


I'm not a gamer, nor do I run benchmarks. I will be doing some moderate video encoding and Photoshop...as a hobby, not vocation. And of course, OC'ing.



I know that Core2 Duo is all the buzz, but I've made up my mind..I'm going AMD and I'm going DFI. (Thank God I was able to make some decision!) I'm not you're traditional enthusiast, but I like quality.


Here's what I've bought so far, all are NEW:


DFI Ultra-D ($99)

Opty 165 CCBBE 0610DPMW ($159)

Scythe Ninja

2x1GB OCZ Platinum PC4000 EB ($207)


Silverstone ST50EF-PLUS


Before I start to build, I'm just wondering if I should've gone AM2 instead of 939. For the same outlay I could get:



X2 4000+


...and I have a set of Patriot 2x1GB DDR2 PC5300. I bought these for $179, b4 the DDR2 price increases! (I'll either be selling the OCZ or the Patriot, depending on the platform I build.)


So the out-of-pocket will be @ the same. I typically build a new system @ every 3 years, with little to no component upgrading. Then I sell it & start from scratch.


One of my concerns with the Ultra-D route, is the future availability of DDR, should I ever have any problems with it. I've done the research & realize that AM2 is not significantly faster than 939. Just making sure I haven't overlooked something b4 I start to open everything up!

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if it were me I'd go 939....


there is no advantage to go AM2 other than higher price of ddr2...and the gain you get isnt worth the price....


if you have to build either go 939 or go Conroe...for video editing I'd suggest Conroe...

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I'd go AM2, when you go to sell it off in 3 years people might still be buying it. 939 will basically be something similar to what socket A is today at that point. If you intended on keeping the system, it's a toss up. But if your going to build a system in 3 years again. I'd go with what I'd be able to sell off.

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Please refrain from recommending Core2 builds. I realize that Conroes are faster. I've already researched it & made the decision for AMD.


Please respond with your choice & reasoning between the 2 sockets: 939 or AM2, and specifically between the Ultra-D & ULTRAII-M2.


Thanks !

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Just updated my CPU inventory to a 165, from a 170. I ordering one from NE & was waiting to see the stepping. It arrived just now & it's the same great stepping! I'll keep the 165 & off the 170 on eBay. Guess the odds are looking even better now for sticking with the 939 platform.


That is, unless I decide to go AM2.:eek: (What a burnout.) Sorry, 70's jargon.

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The sane monetary reason I would go with 939, in your case and why still I currently choose to stay with 939 is the fact that it will be extremely cheaper to upgrade to the AM2 when this quad processor fad hits. Honestly, look at the 4800 X2, its 289 at Directron and 280(before taxes at the egg). The ultra D and even the SLI_DR UT is a great buy right now. With 2GB of memory, and a kick butt video card, you still have a really great performing computer.


However, if you got the money to burn and feel adventurous, get the AM2. There is a great monetary difference and the results are great, but for how long, because like I said Quadcore is on its way, and I'm sure everyone will be wanting to jump on that ban wagon too.

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the only real reason to go with the Socket AM2 + DDR2 platform is that 939 is a dead platform, and if you DO decide to go with Core2Duo, or AMD's next cpu, you will already have some great DDR2 memory.



Sooooo, besides the colors, will I be giving any thing up by using the ULTRAII-M2 w/x2 4000+ instead of the Ultra-D w/Opty 165?

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Sooooo, besides the colors, will I be giving any thing up by using the ULTRAII-M2 w/x2 4000+ instead of the Ultra-D w/Opty 165?



it's a fantastic board, and overclocks like a champ, and I think the NF4 chipset is still a more mature, faster performing chipset than the new NF590


highly recommended (see my OC Database entry for some prelim overclocking)

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it's a fantastic board, (UltraII-M2), and overclocks like a champ, and I think the NF4 chipset is still a more mature, faster performing chipset than the new NF590


highly recommended (see my OC Database entry for some prelim overclocking)



I realize that Happy is the man, and I highly regard his opinion...but I was hoping for some additional feedback from others. There's alot of knowledgeable folk here!

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