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lan party nf4 ultra-d memory question

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hi guys,


i have been experiencing some crashing errors while playing half life 2 with my current setup (see sig.) i have determined that the source of my problem is my RAM... its just not keeping up with the rest of the build. My venice 3200+ is a beast, it can handle 260x10 no problem, prime 95 stable, but my RAM can't seem to make it above 215. I would like to replace it with some DDR500 but I don't know if that would be compatible with my board? I have heard a lot of good things about OCZ and would like to give them a try... I hate hate hate my RAM and having to run on a multiplier :mad: i feel like i am cheating myself out of so much performance... if a memory upgrade to ddr500 is not possible, any other suggestions are of course welcome. thanks again for the help

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Not wanting to criticize you or anything but the voltage your running though your 3200 seems a wii bit high. I have the G.SKills and I love them!

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Only if it temp's get to high.


The volts might be to high on the Gskill and good for the other it really depends on the memory. Many of the chips in the 512 DIMMS TCCD TCC5 etc loved 2.7 or more with decent cooling and the UCCD like the HZs seem to like lower volts regardless of temps.

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What series of Patriot 3200 are you running? Most of the Patriots I have played with over the years seem to perform very well. Some seemed to like Intel rigs mor ethen AMD but all clocked decently on AMD. THe lowest any of my Pats either 512mb sticks or 1GB sticks have always managed to hit at least 230 most scale upwards of 250. What timings are you running them at? alot of the older 3200LL had to have the CAS set to 2.5 to scale upwards of 220 but they would do it. If you have the EL series I would suggest ditching them as they are the chips that did not cut it running at the LL specs.

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The volts might be to high on the Gskill and good for the other it really depends on the memory. Many of the chips in the 512 DIMMS TCCD TCC5 etc loved 2.7 or more with decent cooling and the UCCD like the HZs seem to like lower volts regardless of temps.

I was talking about the cpu voltage but w/e. And yea my G.SKills are only stable at 2.6.

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