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Graphic's Card Plzzz Help :beggs:


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okay hey i got this graphic card from a freind its a SiS 315 graphic card now im seeing little lines on the screen which i cant fix cuz theres something wrong if u want the specs and stuff i have it just ask. But my problem is im usingthe card to connect my monior and when i click properites settings advance to see my adapter and my monitor thing it should have a refresh rate i cant see that anymore its grayed out pretty wierd i have downloaded all the drivers and some more stuff from other websites i tried lookin all over the net coulnt find anthing someone plzzz help


Ps. Yeah when i got hardware profiles and all that it has a esclamation point of the graphic card it and i clikc properties it says that it needs more resources to run so shut down some i dont need anyone know how ? or the ones i dont need running


The SiS 315 graphics processor

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did you go from a nvidia or ati card to this or was it onboard video?

ONBOARD I delted the driver uninstalled it and just installed it all over agiain still same probelm it says i need to free up resources i have no clue what its talkin about

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If it was an onboard card unless you disable it in you bios windows will keep trying to use it. Uninstall all drivers go to bios and disable onboard video. Insert new card and drivers. Hope this helps.

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