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Good Digital Camera


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alright i was just wondering what a good amount of megapixels is to have in a digital camera. as u can see on the pictures i posted of my case my camera is sad: my camera. and well i want a new one but i don't know what a good megapixel amount is. right now i am running on .3MP, a resolution of 640x380, and 1mb internal memory not good not good at all and well i really only want to spend about $130-$160. any suggestions will be apprecaited



is this a good camera, if i was to add some more mem to it? 3.3MP Camera

Edited by Sly_C

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my last camera was only 2mp and it took high enough resolution pictures. the only reason i upgraded was for a camera with more features.


i'm saying that because if you don't have a lot of money you probably pick up a older used camera for pretty cheap.


personally that camera doesn't have many features for $300. seems like you could get something better. www.dpreview.com has lots (way more then people without OCD need) but still a good place to compare features.

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many cameras have modes (sports, night, etc) that uses setting to help get the best photos for certain situations, or if you know what you are doing have manual mode for you to set things up the way you want.

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2megapixels is fine for most people and most uses. 3megapixel seems to be the norm now though. If you ever wanted to print an 8x10, you'll need a 3. I currently have the Nikon 3100, and know 2 other people personally that have it, and we all love it. Also, others on this site have it and they love it too. It's a great camera! Think you can find it for around $300 now. Check newegg, i'm sure it's cheaper there.

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has anyone tried the vivitar 3715?? its a 3.3MP camera and pretty cheap at walmart right now at $132

don't go with crap brands. you'll get what you pay for.


Nikon and Canon are the top 2 brands


So look for those or Kodak, Sony, Olympus, Fuji. But don't stray from that


(some say Hewlett Packard is alright, but i've heard bad things...they don't compare to other cameras of the same specs)

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have u ever used the vivitar? i though they made good cameras anyway one of my friends is buying it to so i may let him buy and see how it is after he checks it out cause i dunno that just seems like a great deal to me. and i don't really need all the features i just want some zoom and a camera that will take a picture that i don't have to mess with a bunch of stuff

Edited by Sly_C

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