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NEW Conroe E6600 ES Step 5: 3850MHz PRIME STABLE on water.

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I have no problems using dividers, lol. Especially when it means saving $200.


Do we actually know that using dividers won’t hurt performance with this new processor?

It’s not an AMD memory controller... I'm just wondering.

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Err... I wasn't paying attention


(surprise, surprise)




I meant DDR1000


Yeah that OCZ PC8000 DRR2 1000 was like $450 for 2 GB when I checked new egg.


That almost disuaded me from even thinking about the possibility of this till I saw the 60% cheaper OCZ pc 64000 Plats.


But it looks like this DDR2 800 stuff is overclocking well enough..lol.

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Do we actually know that using dividers won’t hurt performance with this new processor?

It’s not an AMD memory controller... I'm just wondering.


Wouldn't hurt it as much as not overclocking it to the max would. :)


ANyways, G.Skill has some nice DDR2 800 that apparently gets over DDR2 1000 anyways, at least for some guys at vr-zone.

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  • 4 weeks later...
yea, has everyone hyped, but i seiously doubt we will see any then



Compgeek, what are your load temps using watercooling?


Check my sig. 1.4v gives a load temp into the 50's (depending upon ambient) when dual priming..


BTW the Stepping 5 ES chips were meant for reviewers ,so were the best and not speed binned, this means that in theory they can oc like a 6800 (within the multiplier itself) as there is no difference other than the locked multiplier. It will be interesting to see what will happen with retail cpu's and overclocking in comparison.


I'm suprised no-one's (Intel marketing) offered the main man here (HG) a Conroe, I always consider that running a forum such as this puts one in the frontline when it comes to corporate marketing decisions. One should not have to resort to asking, or any form of written manipulation (which I find very distasteful, I might add). It looks like the big time phase change and ln2 boys were the favourites for the marketing drive, my guess from an Intel standpoint is that they had more flexibility in terms of the coverage and peripherals they could use to promote the CPU's and were not limited to one manufacturer.





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I hate people with conroes, I'm going for the 6700 at least see how boastful I am :D

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I'm suprised no-one's (Intel marketing) offered the main man here (HG) a Conroe, I always consider that running a forum such as this puts one in the frontline when it comes to corporate marketing decisions. One should not have to resort to asking, or any form of written manipulation (which I find very distasteful, I might add). It looks like the big time phase change and ln2 boys were the favourites for the marketing drive, my guess from an Intel standpoint is that they had more flexibility in terms of the coverage and peripherals they could use to promote the CPU's and were not limited to one manufacturer.



I finally broke down and resorted to begging someone at Intel for one and still got ignored so I guess that's that.


My budget won't allow for a Conroe until about late November, and honestly, since AMD hands out cpu's to me like candy, I will probably just stick with AMD since they are honestly into real end-users at the grass roots level.


Intel is only looking for the hype because I really am thinking that their cpu's aren't as good as they've made them out to be.


Sure they are great and match AMD's cpu's finally, but they simply aren't these crazy performing monsters that their marketing team wants everyone to believe they are.


On top of that, I have a sneaking suspicion that it actually has more to do with the fact that I won't lie or fib or bend the truth, and that everyone here might hate me but they know damn well I'll call a spade a spade even if it means I get in a lot of trouble and never get another product from a company.


That to me seems to be the biggest obstacle between me and Intel (and a lot of companies) is that I'll do the thorough testing without their hands on my shoulders the whole way, and I will tell everyone the honest truth about my results and maybe Intel is a little worried that their bits can't really hold up under real scrutiny and real testing with real retail processors?


Or maybe my ego has finally grown so large as to explode through the side of my head...

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The support for the O/C alternative crew by AMD is one thing that makes me feel like an AMD fanboy sometimes... But I'm objective.


Hey... what about REAL performance numbers and better benchies (even at stock or especially Stock vs max on air O/C) to give community members here quality data on purchase decisions. We NEED high res game data, not just superPi times (superpi is a TIGHT loop of code, F.E.A.R on a 27 inch LCD is not.

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The support for the O/C alternative crew by AMD is one thing that makes me feel like an AMD fanboy sometimes... But I'm objective.


Hey... what about REAL performance numbers and better benchies (even at stock or especially Stock vs max on air O/C) to give community members here quality data on purchase decisions. We NEED high res game data, not just superPi times (superpi is a TIGHT loop of code, F.E.A.R on a 27 inch LCD is not.



AT high res games are limited by the GPU speed rather than CPU, so you WILL NOT see much difference there. Perhaps strategy games will benefit more from the extra calculation power. There is around a 10% increase clock for clock, that much is fair to say. Secondly Intel pricing is more attractive atm, although this may be subjest to change if AMD can lower there prices a little more to match. Until the retail versions of Conroe are fully available we won't know how much of a speed increase you will really see. The stepping 5 Conroe's overclock really well even on air, in comparision few and far between were the AMD X2 that could reach 3ghz on air, whilst stepping 5 is hitting around 3.6ghz. If the stepping 6 retail version can duplicate this performance, then they will represent better value over a comparitivley priced amd system. So it's all assumption atm, for arguments sake a 3.6ghz Conroe is like having your AMD X2 running at 4ghz. I think we are all so addicted to playing games, that every purchase we make has to increase frame rates, what we are failing to realise is that after a certain extent most games become GPU bound. For number crunching, video editing and audio conversion we need faster cpu's (if we use them for that, otherwise stick with what you got until it's no good), atm clock for clock COnroe holds an advantage, it may not be massive but it does exist.






check this review which shows many results, obviously we read between the lines and I don't think there is any benchmark manipulation going on..



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