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WTF HAPPENED TO OUR FORUM??? (heh..read this before you ask/complain/g


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I've posted that only because it bothered me and, in my opinion, it was a typical way of abusing the reputation points system (shortly, I disliked it) and not for attract penalizations (or congratulations :)) for the user who post it.

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I've posted that only because it bothered me and, in my opinion, it was a typical way of abusing the reputation points system (shortly, I disliked it) and not for attract penalizations (or congratulations :)) for the user who post it.

please link me to the post or person who has this in his post/sig


you can pm me if you don't want to openly provide this info


I will not tolerate such a thing as it is tanamount to begging to be recognized when in reality if you want to be recognized, you simply do your thing quietly and competently.

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If you want to be recognized, you simply do your thing quietly and competently.

This was my point.

Please don't make me tell you who was the user that post it. I don't want to make people hate me (it's bad for my karma :)).

I'm already feeling bad that I post it in the first place.

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This was my point.

Please don't make me tell you who was the user that post it. I don't want to make people hate me (it's bad for my karma :)).

I'm already feeling bad that I post it in the first place.

i suggest you tell me so I can alert teh person as well as other users that this will not be tolerated


if you are unhappy with what that person has done or is doing and refuse to alert me then you are only hurting the forum and your beliefs so stop being childish please and alert me to who is breaking this unwritten (but soon to be written in stone) rule so I can stop the problem before it spreads

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the arcade sceme is damn near perfect you guys. easy on they eyes. very mellow. the text style is the only thing im not sure of.cant say for sure till i spend more time with it. however the choice of colors suites me well since i often get glare from the winsheild and sunlight while driving down the road. kudos on the new style. thanks

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Hey everyone. I'm just gonna fess up right now. I'm the forum member who asked two very happy other users to take the time to use the rep system. I didn't force it upon them and at the time the request seemed quite innocent. I mean, we leave feedback on HEAT and EBAY and everything else and the majority of the time the feedback is requested by the second party. I read through all of the rules that I could find and NO WHERE did it say that this was a forbidden practice.


So all of you folks claiming thats sick, or OMG I can't believe that, you can direct your criticism to me. At least then it's to my face (or as much so as that can possibly be in a forum).


I'm pretty sure I'm big enough to handle the barbs.


Anyway, I already sent a message to Happy and apologized for my mistake. So I made it, I admit it, and I won't repeat it. As Bear Bryant used to say thats the most anyone can ask for.

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no one is going to ostracize you more than I already have with my post in that locked thread


you are still my buddy, and I don't need to repeat that YOU KNOW BETTER


so lets move on and know that asking for rep is like asking for an avatar except you don't get in as much trouble asking for an avatar.


keep in mind the rep system is just there right now...it has not been explained to anyone outside of this thread (and you were reading this thread...I've seen your posts in here!), but once the forum is done and ready to re-open all fresh with everyone's rep back to zero, it will be explained in detail, and everyone will understand.


Use the warning I gave in that other thread to spread the word if you see it being done (ie pm a mod if you can't do it in a civil, respectful tone as the mods will just have me do it since everyone expects me to be very mean and not very civil at all)

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I give it out rep points based on voltage (it doesn't go up over 2 volts for nothing) and the number of bluescreens. If you haven't bluescreened lately you are not pushing your DFI hardware nearly hard enough.

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I give it out rep points based on voltage (it doesn't go up over 2 volts for nothing) and the number of bluescreens. If you haven't bluescreened lately you are not pushing your DFI hardware nearly hard enough.



thats good one man...i'm taking away your avatar for it though

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I mean, we leave feedback on HEAT and EBAY



yes...and in other foruns ppl have a sales feedback......but i dont think we can measure quality on support like that....imo

nothing personal.......;)

you or any other.....asking for rep points is just......how can i say this.....not good :D

no flame intended

all this fuss about rep points.....

i help ppl...when i can..and know......if they wanna trust my advices....better...if not......i wasnt the one looking for help ...they did.....maybe next time they will trust....


steelballzz out

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