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WTF HAPPENED TO OUR FORUM??? (heh..read this before you ask/complain/g


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Fragman']WTF is a common frase used by me...is that a variation of the crap word that isnt allowed anymore ?? then i will of course try not to use it in here :)


BTW it would be great to have link to the download sektion direktly in the orange bar next to e.g. search ...for drivers and bios updates and such.

fortunately for me, you, and many others, things like WTF and OMFG and other colorful but not openly hostile/offensive abbreviations will be allowed (*ahem* look at the title of this thread???)


we dont have a download section here...

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When are the new Main ones going to be done?

Hey what's the green button below my User Info stand for? Reputation or # of posts?

are you drunk? or just messing with me?


I thought I pretty well explained both of these...at least 5 times in this topic...you have been reading this thread yes?

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193 but, I think they should renege the “testing reputation points”.


I think that’s what you put in.


Points don’t matter to me. It’s the sheer joy of helping! :)

I am going wipe everyone's reputation points except the moderators as soon as we get the forum all the way up to speed like we want it.


Doesn't mean you need to be abusing the system now...you'll still face the wrath of the moderators (and the modCP/adminCP stats show us who is getting rep points and who is handing them out so don't think you can stealth it by us)


Once the forum is in a 'grand reopening' of sorts, we'll wipe the reputation and start over with clear and concise information regarding reputation

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A change is as good as a rest, so some say, but sounds like no rest for you, still the efforts are greatly appreciated with the new look and interface .. plus the colour schema is in keeping with my local viewers here in the LOS :cool:

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prettyyyy!! :D


me like.


currently online in wifi in the airport... busy today on packing up for a 1 week vacation, so i didnt even notice the downtime....


neat little green things...... (no i dont kno what its for but im not gonna ask coz, no, i didnt read the whole 11 pages) but the colour hurt my eyes..


i was using the black-green template, and suddenly, POW, white-orange lol


gj HG ;)

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I am going wipe everyone's reputation points except the moderators as soon as we get the forum all the way up to speed like we want it.


Doesn't mean you need to be abusing the system now...you'll still face the wrath of the moderators (and the modCP/adminCP stats show us who is getting rep points and who is handing them out so don't think you can stealth it by us)


Once the forum is in a 'grand reopening' of sorts, we'll wipe the reputation and start over with clear and concise information regarding reputation



In my defense my early reputation points post were not done with malice or to inflate mine or other’s egos.


Yes I am guilty of a few not so deserving reputation points’ posts. I also received some as well.


When this was done it was very early after you opened up this wonderful new looking forum. At that time I did not know or understand the true meaning or your passion towards them.


I was merely testing the functionality and new things within the forum. In my opinion no real harm there. I know and understand now.


Yes I understand I am an adult and if I just thought about it with more understanding and intellect I would have come up with the conclusion that this would have made somebody unhappy or offended.


Forgive me if I caused you any grief or tried to portray myself any better than I truly am.


I gave points out before and after I knew the true usefulness and your passion of the reputation point system. I also posted comments for everyone that I gave points to. I do know who the individuals are and the comments I posted. Perhaps the comments will be a mandatory field in the future.


Ninety percent of the reputation points I posted were very well deserved in my opinion. This was mainly for help with my Toaster rig setup. I also post reputation points for moderators to include you. From the compassion in my heart and in my opinion, they helped me and I felt they deserved it


Please do whatever you need to do with the reputation point system. The merits of posting and helping others is truly enough for me. One thing is certain that if reputation points system is to survive the point given are truly opinions.


Thank you for your time Happy. Please post or PM me your thoughts on my defense.

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msmolt, you'll see this before the pm I sent you, probably, hehe

Just saw your edit, you don't have to pm me back. LMFAO


This is why I prefer Gmail, so much neater



ok how come i didnt see that screen your talking about ?


And someone said somthing to the fact that people are to lazy to get google tool bar for spelling How does that help ?

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I dont think people are too lazy to get the tool bar... me myself I hate them..I personally try to get everything in IE in 1 bar...I like my space...I hate it when everything you want/need want to give you there tool bar....if you had them all turned on at once...heck they'd be 1/2 way down the screen...


Besides having or not having a toolbar is not going to help diagnose some ones puter problem...or seek help for one...geez..

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yeah me too . i dont use tool bars eather but if theres some kind of spell cheaker in it . would save me time from typing my replys in word so i cant TRY to make the insencetive people that it sean to be such a big deal to.keep there mouth shut. Well at least the ones to lazy to read my sig. thats why 99% of all my posts are Edited

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you mean that window with Gmail open? Do you use Gmail? I am not sure what you are talking about, bro?


are you drunk? or just messing with me?


I thought I pretty well explained both of these...at least 5 times in this topic...you have been reading this thread yes?



Sorry, I don't even remember why I asked again, yesterday was a crazy day, I must admint I started skipping around a little. Won't happen again boss.

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haha dont mater i was just confused as you sent me PM to show me that g.mail thing. but i never saw it lol and was confused as what you was trying to show me. we was on topic of it would be nice to see I/M in PMs lol

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