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Stupid injuries

Guest Neezer_merged

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Guest Neezer

So, here is the question. what is the dumbest way that you have injured yourself?


last night i was at a party and the first keg ran out. i took it out of the ice bucket, and as i was trying to put the second keg into the bucket, it slipped from my hands and landed on my big toe.!!!! I shattered the bone in the end of my toe.


What other kinds of stupid things have you guys done to injure yourself.

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Guest caffeinejunkie

One time I was snowboarding out in new york and I went and hit a 10ft but right at the top was ice and I slid out and caught my own edge and fell like 3ft beyond the landing. All woulda been good but there was some dumbass following 10ft behind me and he came down and smased my face with back of his board. That was a good time last run on the last day of a 5 day trip lol :nod:


Uhh well broke my leg kickflipping a 5-stair on my skateboard. Pretty dumb cuz I can do that with my eyes closed.


I also broke my arm doing a handrail. Don't even ask how I broke it I have no idea...


lol how did you manage to break your leg on a five-stair??

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I got very drunk at a party 6 months back and fell on a crate of beer, and smashed one of the bottles and cut my eyebrow open. I didn't need stitches or anything, but apparently it bled for a long time and there's still a good scar there now.

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dumbest injury was -- i was holding a friends wrist just behind his wrist watch (an old analogue type), an he yanked his hand free of my grip, the spurred winder on the watch catching my finger just under the inside of the first knuckle, tearing the flesh down to the bone. only about 3mils of skin but a BIG hole. scarred even now. really dumb

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One time I was snowboarding out in new york and I went and hit a 10ft but right at the top was ice and I slid out and caught my own edge and fell like 3ft beyond the landing. All woulda been good but there was some dumbass following 10ft behind me and he came down and smased my face with back of his board. That was a good time last run on the last day of a 5 day trip lol :nod:




lol how did you manage to break your leg on a five-stair??

I have no idea. That's why it was stupid. Especially on such a small stair set/easy trick.


I think I was leaning too far backwards though. The break wasn't bad.


I have some videos of me on Myspace... err link in my profile. (none of broken bones, however)

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One time in the winter I went out to the woods to cut some firewood, I was drinking beer the whole time. After a while I felt my nose and it felt hard and numb. I started smacking it and laughing saying "I can hit it and not feel a thing". Stupid me, it was frozen and I cracked it. Once I stepped in the house and the heat hit my face it started bleeding. That's when I realized what I've done.

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Guest Neezer

After hearing all of this I don't feel so bad about what I did last night. My toe still hurts like hell though.

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Guest caffeinejunkie
I have no idea. That's why it was stupid. Especially on such a small stair set/easy trick.


I think I was leaning too far backwards though. The break wasn't bad.


I have some videos of me on Myspace... err link in my profile. (none of broken bones, however)


Lol you lok just like my friend roger


me and my friends used to tape all the times but anymore we just skate. Maybe ill bring a cam when we head out to chenga next weeknd


but good stuff and nice fish eye

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