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Why Am I Being....


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Why is everyone on this forum blanking me?  :angry:

I'm not sure I follow your drift... but if you type something inappropriate in the forums it gets dusted by one of the moderators


Additionally I believe if the spelling is soooo bad as to not make sense, it gets dusted too, but I'm not sure on that one. :P





EDIT: Ah I see what you mean, well we've not ignored you, we've posted haven't we? :)


Also people don't have to answer your posts, they choose to :P

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well its partly because alot of ppl wont know all the answears, and sometimes it just takes time for someone who does know the answear to post a reply, better then someone giving you the wrong answear, the only time i have ever seen anyone alienated on ANY forum, not just this one... is when someone joins and posts like crazy acting like a snotty know it all, arrogance is a great way to make yourself unwanted.... btw ime... you dont fit in that catagory, but anyways ... im still pretty new to this board aswell ime.. but welcome to OCC :D

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If nobody answers it may be that nobody can answer your question or the person who can provide some info just hasn't read your post. Just give it time. Patience is a virtue, :D 1 good answer is better than many wrong answers.

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Also people don't have to answer your posts, they choose to  :P

True , buts its partly annoying >.<

The problem is that after youve been at the forums for a while you get kind of tired of answering the same questions over and over again. This problem would be avoided if people would learn how to use the search button. But if it is an original thought or question I will usually at least read it. And another thing, just some advice, when you post a new topic, be descriptive in the topic like "My 9700 pro isnt working, plese help!" not "Help me, please read". I usually dont waste my time even reading a post with a bad description. And another thing. If you find a topic youve posted inst getting very many replys its probably cause its already been asked several times and people are just tired of answering it, which in turns means you should search the forums for similar topics and see if it has been answered yet.


Sorry for getting so long winded, buy maybe now youll have some insight as to why some topics go unanswered.


And welcome to OCC!!! :D









join the f@h team :ph34r:

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