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[1KW PSU]weird psu problem


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Hi all,


I looked at this thread and noticed the 4-Pin molex and floppy connectors must be plugged in for stability, and as ive been having issues i decided to try it out but my problem is when i plug them in my PC will not boot..? :confused:


Any ideas why..?

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Do you see the STAND-BY yellow LED's at the top of your motherboard and at the bottom at all? Are you sure you have the power switch on the back of the PSU turned towards the ON position (you never know)? What about the CMOS CLEAR jumper, on normal or are they on the clear position? Check all that out and update me with your situation, either something is DOA or you're doing something wrong, can't tell you at this point. Good Luck :)

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Yes i see both the yellow LED's, when i press the power button the fans spin for a millisecond then nothing happens, if i try the power button again nothing happens. if i then turn the power of on the PSU and let the yellow LED's go out and try again i get the fans to spin again and thats it i have to go through the whole prcess again. i see no re LED's.


as soon as i take the molex and floppy connecters of it all works..

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Hi daNutz. You are exactly right, the floppy and molex connectors should both be plugged in for m/b stability.


You have an excellent PSU (must have cost a fortune), but you might double check the voltages coming from the floppy and molex connections to make sure they are in spec.


Double check that your m/b isn't grounding out on the motherboard tray or some other part of the case (of special interest the the cpu heatsink screws and nuts if you're using an aftermarket unit).


Last but least plug all of the power connectors in (including those auxillary's). Cycle psu on and off a couple of times. Then full and proper CMOS clear, followed by loading optimized defaults and rebooting to see if the problem is fixed.

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I have a multi meter but im not sure how to test the voltages..? got a guide..?


the mobo isnt grounding cos it works fine without those 2 extra contections plugged in.


auxillary's..? which are those..?

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Let us know your findings once you check your voltage rails. I'm really stumped as to why your board refuses to boot with all of the correct power connections plugged in.


Have you tried it with just the 4-pin molex connected? And same goes, have you tried it with only the floppy connector plugged in? What happens if you only use one or the other?

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ExRoadie informed me that Pc Power and Cooling told you that their 1kw psu will not work when the mobo is hooked up to the 12v2 side of the psu..


Here is a picture of how I have mine setup..



The way I have this hooked up is actually against the normal advice I give.. Usually I like to have a dedicated line going to the mobo connectors..


In my current setup I have one line coming from my psu that is powering the floppy and molex on the mobo.. There is also a splitter at the end that goes up to the two 80mm fans blowing on my ram..


As you can see in my sig im running nice overclocks and am not have one bit of problem from anything..

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