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Cant Oc My 1700+ That Much


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ok... i have a 1700+ on an a7n8x mobo and all i can do with it is raise its multiplier to 11.5x (from the origional 11x). I have a good hsf with thermal paste (thin layer) 2 fans.


if i raise the fsb at all from the regular 133 mhz, even to 134, my computer dies on me. My computer starts beeping and theres nothing going on on it. the only way for me to fix it is to reset the bios jumper setting.


If i raise the multiplier any more than 11.5 i get a blue screen error as windows starts up.


My processor is at 32 degrees C.


oh yeh i got an "A" core but i hear of people overclocking even the "A" mad high.


Help me !!! please !! What is holding me back?

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honestly, not all chips are super overclockers. there's no magic batch of them, or magic stepping, it's luck of the dram my friend. it sounds like you've got the right idea on how to do it, but just don't have one of those cooperative chips.


also keep in mind AMD made it a 1700+ for a reason. either it was fast enough to be something else (the good oc'n chips) and they set it as a 1700 because of demand for them, or it wasn't qualified to go any faster.

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i changed a buch of sets in my bios and took out my pc2100 256 mb ram (now i have only my pc3200 512 stick) and i was able to raise it up to 136 mhz fsb. I dont know which caused it but i gotta play around some more.


I had a heart attack when it just died after i made an fsb jump from 136 to 144 and i tried to change the cmos jumper in the dark. I put it back onto the reset position and my computer wont start up. I took the whole thing apart and back together and it still didnt work. i finally realized after an hour that the jumper was in the wrong setting.


Is that common? to kill your computer while ocing and have to reset the cmos?

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You got it backwards. Its the B's that are the mad overclockers. And the stepping is jiuhb dlt3c the "l" is what you're looking for cause it means it has a vcore of 1.5v which is way lower than the dUt3c which is 1.65v. Sorry dude, better luck next time.

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yeh i knew that. what i was saying was that there are people out there i heard of who have overclocked their "A"s mad higher than me.


Im having more luck now i have gotton my computer up to 1.6 ghz (139*11.5)


shouldnt I be able to have windows running instable with my processor heating mad high. The top my proc has been is 32c which isnt that high. or does overheating not apply to me because my processor just wont go that high?


This is bothering me please reply.

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Like Red said.. even if u get a CPU that is the exact stepping.. exact week.. exact whatever.. u will not get the same results as someone else.. because its a differnt chip..


Its the luck of the draw

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The "A" core was not a good OC'r at all. If you take a look at http://www.cpudatabse.com, most of the records from "B" core JIUHB users. Most of the "A" core users couldn't exceed 1.8 or 1.9. If you find that you can't OC over 1 FSB, you either have really really cheap RAM or your power supply doesn't have enough juice to supply the power needed.

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i changed a buch of sets in my bios and took out my pc2100 256 mb ram (now i have only my pc3200 512 stick) and i was able to raise it up to 136 mhz fsb. I dont know which caused it but i gotta play around some more.



Well thats a start, obviously the ram was mismatched (like having different sized wheels on your car) what did you change in your bios? is it the latest for the board? might even be worth resetting to stock & starting again <_<


Perhaps you are trying to jump too far too fast? ease into it a little, up the multi & fsb a little then burn (prime 95/sisandra etc) for a while, then up settings some more.... test burn test etc.



Took me awhile to get my 'ol K62-500 to 600Mhz, be patient.



If you would like additional reference material Tweakers Australia have a CPU database (results of others OCing & footnotes) @ tweakers

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whoah whoah wait a minute i never heard of this before. Whats burning? i set the fsb a little higher turn on windows and if it starts i oc some more. if i do "burning" can i go higher? even if you set it high at first and the computer dies if i set it lower burn it then will it go to the amount i had before?

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