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The [not so] Unique DFI Experience.

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UV on, Tweak Fun, kind of a gay catch phrase, but there isn't any disputing the results. The NF4 Ultra-D will go down in history as one of the best DFI m/b's ever produced (nf3 version aside)

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SLI-DR is my first DFI board, after putting all the parts together (parts in my sig) it post it beep and everything works fine, installed winxp pro, installed all the things i need it, i decided to OC it and i find it simple, 300x9 1:1 3xHT left the voltage default, Ram timings all in Auto, did a prime and it stabled for 24hours, and im happy =) with 2.7ghz, took me 90mins to do everything. Happy with DFI =)

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Guest Retratserif

I completly understand him. Though I am in that up and down stage. New issues arrive every other week for me.

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*Retratserif* if one of your setting is stable and you want to eg. clock the CPU or RAM or both higher, just save ur previouse stable setting to CMOS Reloaded so when ur new setting crashed just Reload it again and find it were u went wrong, muli's, volts, ram tweaks, ur SLI-DR should be more advance than ur other board and it may give u some new knowledge's =)

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I feel I cheated... I've been building my own machines for a number of years and had my share of n00b experienced BUT I lurked as a guest on these forums for about a month or so - gleaning tit-bits of invaluable information before taking the plunge. I admit I took my time building the rig in my sig but I wanted it to be "just right". The outcome, I hit 2.9G stable within 48 hours from that first screwdriver twist :P Simply put, I was extremely happy that I was up and running so early compared to some of the stories I read here. Angry's "Initial Build" thread was more than likely the reason things went so smooth - thanks! (although the animal sacrifices might have had something to do with it as well ;))


Research, investigate and finally buy the right parts (OK, I didn't go for the bee's knees RAM - I already owned it) and most problems simply evaporate. In addition, taking your time to get things right the first time around (taking care not to miss anything) is prudent. Nothing more satisfying than hitting that power button and everything goes as it should... that and having a screamingly fast rig under your control that is yours, and yours alone.


The entry below my nick says it all... once you become a DFI user, you don't want to go back to the others. :cool:

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I think I am known as one of the most snarky people when it comes to judging hardware.


My SLI-DR is the best mainboard I ever had, and I have zero problems with it. Maybe I got lucky.


WIth Asus and their A8N-* I am waiting for my third board from RMA. What a piece of dirt. I have other working Asus boards but they cannot hold the same clocks as the DFI.


The only downside of the DFI is lack of ECC memory.



Having said all the praise, when it comes to my Infinity board DFI deserves a good smack.

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