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NEED YOUR HELP GUYS --- 3 LED/dual channel boot problem

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my problem started a couple of days ago. my system was working fine for months till now.

i've read many similar posts but i didn't see any bottom line.

the problem is quite simple: system won't post in dual channel. put two sticks in farthest from the cpu, no problems - runs single channel, run memtest for hours got 0 errors. no problem with 1 stick either.

however try putting a dual channel mem config, ie dimms 1 and 3 or 2 and 4 and system hangs with 3 LEDS lit (no beeps).

from what i've read people say this kinda thing might be the mb or the cpu gone to hell.

now is there anyway that i can check to find where the problem is ?

(as RGone posted many times the close dimms to the cpu can't be checked with only 1 stick.)

the system was stable for months and i didn't even overclock it yet. this is really frustrating so i REALLY NEED YOUR HELP. narrowing down the cause would be a BIG HELP.

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So when did you update your Bios to the 0406 version, just recent? Have you tried going back to the previous bios? What about a 24hr CMOS CLEAR with battery out and power cable disconnected from the PSU and see what happens?

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hey guys,

thanx for your input.


well MANY people have posted dual channel related problems similar to mine and seufari. although my problem was there before updating the bios so i don't believe that caused it. i didn't clear CMOS cause i didn't overclock AND it didn't help nobody with this problem. wanted to see responses first.


the thing is in all posts i've seen nobody came back and posted what WAS the problem so we could see if the is a common colprit.


what gets me is that the dual channel "support" can just crap out like that after six months. i didn't change ANYTHING, it just went. i'm no noob but no expert either, i can see things dying on me but this is weird in my mind, isn't it ?


my personal conclusion from previous posts is most likely a MB malfunction of sorts. second would be the CPU cause i also saw posts similar with other boards not DFIs.

but is there another option for this puzzling failure?

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hey guys,

thanx for your input.


well MANY people have posted dual channel related problems similar to mine and seufari. although my problem was there before updating the bios so i don't believe that caused it. i didn't clear CMOS cause i didn't overclock AND it didn't help nobody with this problem. wanted to see responses first.


the thing is in all posts i've seen nobody came back and posted what WAS the problem so we could see if the is a common colprit.


what gets me is that the dual channel "support" can just crap out like that after six months. i didn't change ANYTHING, it just went. i'm no noob but no expert either, i can see things dying on me but this is weird in my mind, isn't it ?


my personal conclusion from previous posts is most likely a MB malfunction of sorts. second would be the CPU cause i also saw posts similar with other boards not DFIs.

but is there another option for this puzzling failure?


exactly, didnt here of anyone finding a fix either

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the problem is quite simple: system won't post in dual channel. put two sticks in farthest from the cpu, no problems - runs single channel, run memtest for hours got 0 errors. no problem with 1 stick either.

however try putting a dual channel mem config, ie dimms 1 and 3 or 2 and 4 and system hangs with 3 LEDS lit (no beeps).


My question***

Are you using auto settings for your memory bios adjustments?


Dual channel is related to which slots you use.

Dual channel with two Orange slots or two Yellow slots or both Orange and both Yellow. Using either or both outer slots is single channel. either of the inner slots will not work alone. To test your memory use 1 stick at a time in the outer Orange slot. Use Optimized defaults. When you have tested two sticks and both test good, then put them in Orange slots and test together. If you can not run dual channel at that time then it is time to RMA the Board.


3 leds indicate that POST has found a functioning cpu and is searching for RAM. If ram bios adjustments are out of range, you will get three as well as if ram is defective. You need to determine this.


Do not be impatient as your computer will sense this state and drive you N U T S!


Good luck!

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whackattack, i've read your post and it is frustrating that these forums aren't helping cause they usually come through. this situation may require to PM some users 1 on 1 to get their results i think, but i want to run this to "standard posting" before bugging people.


to answer your guys questions i am using auto settings in the bios. i tried loosening the timings and force 2T but made no difference. by what i read i don't think it's a bios issue because it can't be connected to a specific bios. but then again it can't be connected to a specific motherboard type or company OR a certain CPU (although all amd of course).


now i know of rgone post that explained the slot allocations in DFI nf4 boards. 2 yellow or 2 orange for double. top yellow and orange for sinlge OR 1 in top orange or yellow.

for me all single channel configs work. dual channel config worked on orange for more than 6 months, and now NOT.


if anybody RMA either CPU or MB and found replacing only one solved his problem that would indicate one of these as the problematic device. if though RMA them both than, well....


also i have checked timings of each module in memtest and they were the same.

question has to be asked to someone with technical info if the cpu or mb can loose dual channel support like that. i've written tech support but sadly have not heard from them, disappointing.


re EdLSmith: i i'm patient, i mean i still can run in single channel so i'm kinda of o.k. for now.


keep giving your input, any little help.

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@tmwnn, if this is so > ""my problem started a couple of days ago. my system was working fine for months till now."" < then obviously something changed.


I could write an essay on why there seem no answers but no one gets much beyond the gimme gimme and gimme now phase on the forums most of the time. No real chronicling of issue to resolved issue. But regardless based on that orignal post of yours and that statement it would look like this to me.


Something changed.

1. Memory.

2 Cpu.

3 Motherboard.


One has to remember that memtest86 or the plus version ported to a slightly different GUI all try and test memory from within the memory. This obviously is capable of producing flawed results. Sort of like letting the inmates in the prison control who comes and goes from the prison, in some cases. I have been told that memtestGold or by a name similar will not pass memory that memtest86 will say is good. I personally "know" of memory that passes memtest86+ but will not work in windows at all. Was rma'd and problem fixed. In all of this there are rules and then exceptions to the rule and no one here really stays with it until the end. Just a lot of folks jumping in threads and voicing something and hauling @ss to the next thing that pricks their fancy. No way to get to a solution.


Then add this to the whole of the mix. From the release of the board there have been the statements > " I cannot run in dual channel " and for the first 7-9 months these boards were out it was a battle to get people to learn the dance and configure the memory timings manually and then dual channel worked. "twmnn" that would not appear to be your case. You say it worked in dual channel and quit. Never ever had that happen. Killed memory myself. Over-volted TCCD until it would not work at CAS2.5 anylonger. But never never had dual channel quit working.


So what do you do? You begin to either buy new substitutionary pieces that in general are known to work or you start to rma parts. In a single user situation that is ALL there is to do because there is NOT any do A and B and C will result. Not happening.


I am going to 'bet' right now that you can rma the board and another will come back and the problem will still be there. That is my gut feeling after over a year of seeing these boards run. Well it is getting very close to 1.5 years of the boards in retail. My bet is that you need to move to 2x1gig of memory as it is anyway for games and such and that if you buy these >> OCZ Gold Edition 2GB (2 x 1GB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM Unbuffered DDR 500 (PC 4000) Dual Channel Kit System Memory - Retail

Model #: OCZ5002048ELGE-K << and put them in that you will run dual channel again. Is that a for sure do A and B and the result will be C? No it is not. But you are going to have to change something since something has changed as you say. Looking at the same parts over and over is not going to fix the problem. No one is going to magically come upon; do A and B and get C as a result. Not happening.


Set up an rma with DFI by doing this and start there. Yes, it costs DFI but that is life. Send email to this address... and include this information. If you are in USA or Canada:


When you email or call DFI (TEL: 1-510-274-8000), please provide these information:

Product model and revision if known. ( Usually shown as R. AXX or similar on stick-on with barcode on PCI slot).

Link possible revision locations. http://us.dfi.com.tw/Support/mb_faq...TYPE=US&SITE=US

Mother board serial number. On end of box board came in and also in various places on the board.

Place where you purchased this product.

Invoice number or Receipt number from your vendor.


That will get your board rma processing. Then you can see what happens when you get another board in return. You have to start somewhere and everyone always blames the motherboard; so rma it first. Then you can go to the next thing if necessary. It will not get any simplier or different than this in a single user scenario.






whackattack, i've read your post and it is frustrating that these forums aren't helping cause they usually come through. this situation may require to PM some users 1 on 1 to get their results i think, but i want to run this to "standard posting" before bugging people.


to answer your guys questions i am using auto settings in the bios. i tried loosening the timings and force 2T but made no difference. by what i read i don't think it's a bios issue because it can't be connected to a specific bios. but then again it can't be connected to a specific motherboard type or company OR a certain CPU (although all amd of course).


now i know of rgone post that explained the slot allocations in DFI nf4 boards. 2 yellow or 2 orange for double. top yellow and orange for sinlge OR 1 in top orange or yellow.

for me all single channel configs work. dual channel config worked on orange for more than 6 months, and now NOT.


if anybody RMA either CPU or MB and found replacing only one solved his problem that would indicate one of these as the problematic device. if though RMA them both than, well....


also i have checked timings of each module in memtest and they were the same.

question has to be asked to someone with technical info if the cpu or mb can loose dual channel support like that. i've written tech support but sadly have not heard from them, disappointing.


re EdLSmith: i i'm patient, i mean i still can run in single channel so i'm kinda of o.k. for now.


keep giving your input, any little help.

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hey RGone thanx for your post and all the info.


by your response i think you mistook my tone of voice from my written words.

i didn't mean to diss this forum in any way. i ment my words as sort of praise to support forums. in my mind they are really helpfull, for me at least in helping out with different

problems many times in the past. that said i ain't in no way expecting a golden solution or impatient for one. heck, i always figure that i will have to take my hardware back to my vendors. but of course using these forums is a good 1st option -- less leg work :-))

after all this isn't my first system and i know . happens all the time, that's life. at least in this case the system actually works for now, so its all good, kinda...


like i said i'll get the system checked out cause i don't have replacement i can use/borrow (except ram which i will try to see if maybe they are no good somehow). i appreciate your suggestions for replacement hardware but i'm a little strapped so thats off the table, but still thanx.


the only thing i can think of that might have screwd my system is a power spike/blackout when i wasn't home. i got a current stabilizer but you never know.

ran a few benches and games and the system appears stable with its mem in single channel for now. still seems like a freak thing to happen like that in my opinion, but the hell to i know.


well once i get my system fixed i'll post back which device went on me, maybe it will help others.


all appreciated guys, tmwnn

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hey one addition,


is there anyway to test the cpu mem controller through a progeam or such. since is wasn't talked about i'm assuming it's no dice, right ?

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Well the only program to test the CPU I know of is prime95. A thought that occurs is maybe if you are suspecting the cpu you could underclock it and if you raise the HTT speed and lower the cpu multi you could raise the speed of the ram whilst lowering the speed of the cpu. Just an idea.

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Hi there although i don't currently have the answer, i am going to be doing some intensive testing this sunday with a friends components!


I wouldn't shell out on a new mb as i have done this (£85 poorer now) and got a ultra-d and had the same problem! my gut feeling is that either it's the memory controller on the cpu or my ram is shot this sunday will be the telling point as i will test my cpu in his board, his ram in my board, my cpu and ram in his board, my ram in his board, his ram and cpu in my board!


Note i will be taking both my SLi-Dr and Ultra-D to see if i can get the problem sorted! Hopefully i will be able to solve the problem and sell the ultra-d on! (crosses fingers)

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