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compatability issues.. any truth to this

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I was told on some other boards that my PSU and MB have been know to cause compatability issues. Any truth to this? What would be compatability issues that would relate to this? Just not work or ?

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The compatibility issue has been reported by some users of the Seasonic, but not all. It seems that the Seasonic has a very touchy trip circuit and may cause problems on some DFI NF4 boards, not just the Ultra-D.


However if your m/b psu combo doesn't exhibit a cold boot problem, random shut downs or other funky behavior then no you don't have a compatibility problem. Just go with it.


The Seasonic is a nice power supply, you could have done worse. If you haven't purchased or installed the Seasonic, and you have butterfly's in your stomach about the decision to use the Seasonic, two best bets that I've never seen an issue with are the Fortron 550 and the OCZ 520 Powerstream.



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Glad to hear that the Seasonic is working well for you. If you don't have any boot issues or other strange PSU related manifestations, I'd say you are good to go. You picked a solid unit, with plenty of wattage and the all important amperages, so you're all set.


I've always been an OCZ whore. I had great luck with their memory when I switched from crucial and started using OCZ memory back in 2000 and have never been disappointed. Their power supplies and their memory are both top notch. In fact this set of G.Skill HZ's is the first non-OCZ memory I've had since then.

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