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CPU Fan does not spin

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It is off when the Temp is less then 25, and goes full on when temp is above 50.

I Have now switched the CPU Fan, to a regular fan power slot on the motherboard and it continually runs. Smart Guardian Says my CPU temp is 190 degrees, I do not see how this can be accurate, with the system under no load (Just web browsing) and the Fan on Full blast.


To clarify again, the when hooked up to the CPU Fan slot on the Mobo, the fan would spin for maybe 10 seconds, and shut off. Then it would never come back on. I hooked another fan up to the CPU Fan slot with the same results of 10 seconds of spinning and then nothing.


OPtimized defaults are loaded, CnQ is off. Bios states CPU CORE temp

" (-) 50"

Smart Guardian Reads 199 degress for CPU


The negative sign sticks out to me, perhaps it is reading it at -50 and that is why the fan is not spinning. There is no way my temp is in the negatives though


FOr clarity, my HSF is hooked into a regular Fan port on the Mobo and is currently spinning full blast

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Guest SuppA-SnipA

Try another fan with a regular fan plug, but keep it aimed at the cpu / heatsink lol

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OPtimized defaults are loaded, CnQ is off. Bios states CPU CORE temp

" (-) 50"

Smart Guardian Reads 199 degress for CPU


The negative sign sticks out to me, perhaps it is reading it at -50 and that is why the fan is not spinning. There is no way my temp is in the negatives though


That is probably exactly what is happening:

- clear CMOS - this should fix it

- if that doesn't work try reflashing the bios

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