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Dan i really like your sig, the text is really readable and that Doom3 DFI logo is very unique..


10/10 well done


Thanks Nice Hat but really it was Blick's magic touch that made it as badass as it is and AceGoober's suggestion on the lanparty logo on the gun as well.

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@ ReelFiles


Your German grammar is bad like my English grammar.


"Ich bin Deutscher ist doch klar,ich fühle mich einfach wunderbar!"


That would be perfect.


Avatar 10

Sig 10



Thanks for the rating, I moved here 12 years ago, when I was 14, and I don't have nobody to speak german to, since I came here by myself that's why my grammar is rusty, Those are lyrics to a song, and they are exact, funny though.




@ PhoetuS

Avatar: n/a

Sig:6 bit boring but I love fire, FIRE!!!! FIRE!!!!!!!


WHY???? I am not here seeking computer help.....just giving it when I can....custom sig...why???? Ace has enough to do with out me bothering him like everyone else....I dont plan to be like every other JO Smoe..... I rate my Avatar 10 because A_G gave it to me and I didnt ask for it... I like it...


If you are refering to me on the power supply thing... re-read my sig it has always been there....read closer....closer....shall I bold it...?



Sorry didn't notice it, cuz it isn't on a line by itself, my bad. I was mostly playing around anyways, I guess I am too much of a joker, like my sig implies.

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lol dr_bowtie...tell everyone to %$#@%#@ off about your sig


it has all the info you need...sigs are utilitarian at this forum and you DO an EXCELLENT job of helping everyone you can....so neener neener on flowery signature wearing punks lol



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