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Why DFI motherboard kills so many cpus?

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Seems sombrio here just likes the drama involved.


DFI sucks and thats all. I´ll never buy a DFI motherboard, only ASUS or ABIT. I cant imagine my precious cpu (amd 4800+ x2) dying because a crap motherboard problems. Shame on you DFI for selling defective motherboards.

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shame on you? what an efin rtard ahahahahah ROFL who says that??? And why do you come here sombrio, your not going to change a single persons mind if you say they kill cpus, you prolly just screwed it up and want to put the blam on someone else

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Never heard of a cpu dying because of the moetherboard.

Either you got a already died cpu, or you put way too much volatge, or you had bad cooling and fried it..

In my opinion motherboards in general cannot kill cpu's like that..not DFI, not ASUS..or any other one.. unless you are a really really unlucky guy..

seems to me you are unlucky bro.. you are leaving the best mobo and leaving for a boring motherboard.. where's a fun of using those..?? you just plug them on the mobo, it starts up, and thats it!!

anyway I am sorry about your cpu, but I am sure it is not the mobo that killed it. before you buy a ASUS or a ABIT, you better make sure there nothing defective in your other parts..

Goodluck bro..

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Guest GripS

I would also suggest that sombrio check the support forums at Abit and Asus. EVERY motherboard maker has some bad ones out there. DFI probably gets more flack because of it's extensive BIOS options that could allow you to fry your board or other hardware whereas others do not. But these would be options you do at your own risk and if you actually read the manual(the online one that can be downloaded) you will find that the options that can potentially damage your board also have warnings attatched to them.


The only fault i can find with DFI is the fact the manual that comes with the board is woefully inadequate and uninformative and you shouldn't have to go online to get the full manual(hint hint).

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Never heard of a cpu dying because of the moetherboard.

Either you got a already died cpu, or you put way too much volatge, or you had bad cooling and fried it..

In my opinion motherboards in general cannot kill cpu's like that..not DFI, not ASUS..or any other one.. unless you are a really really unlucky guy..

seems to me you are unlucky bro.. you are leaving the best mobo and leaving for a boring motherboard.. where's a fun of using those..?? you just plug them on the mobo, it starts up, and thats it!!

anyway I am sorry about your cpu, but I am sure it is not the mobo that killed it. before you buy a ASUS or a ABIT, you better make sure there nothing defective in your other parts..

Goodluck bro..



Search @ http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums and see how many cpus died with DFI expert motherboard even without any kind of overclocking.

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Hi! Can anyone tell me why DFI motherboards are killing so many cpus? :confused:






So many? How many and where? I have seen those other forums who blamed the mobo for killing their cpu's. In my reading all their posts, I can conclude that it is a user error. If you OC your board and try another BIOS because the one you have is not working out and do not properly clear the CMOS, there is a high probabilty that your vcore bios setting is too high and it will burn that cpu. I have used four different DFI boards so far and none of my four cpu's got killed because of the mobo, killed one because I took off the IHS on one cpu and contact between the core and block killed it. Those people will not admit their error, it is easier to blame another. :cool:

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I am a long term user and fan of DFI products. I had either a power supply or the board go bad on 24 March 2006 and I lost a CPU, Mother Board, Power Supply, 7800GT. Was it the power supplies fault or the mother board, I will never know. I do knwo I can credit the death of the second power supply to the board or my wanting to know. When I hooked the second power suppyl to the board the power supply was too hot to touch with in 1.5 minutes. The power supply was a known good unit and I pulled it from a workign system to get ym gaming rig running. It may have been the pwoer supply that went first. I know the death of the second power supply was caused by my SLi-D. Am I going to bail on DFI over the loss. HELL NO!!!!!!!


I am slowly getting my hardware back in and I will be firing up the Next DFI to drive on. To me there is no other board on the market worth using. I thought about trying some other brands for a change but after talking to the wife it was determined everytime i buy another brand board with in 3 months I always end up buyign a DFI to replace it.

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