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I got SLI yeah....do dah do dah!


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finally got off my duff and hokked up the second card a few minutes ago. was feelin like a doofus for a while....set the jumpers to SLI mode on the motherboard(the ones right below the main PCIeX slot) fuddled a few minutes

with the card before i realized that it wasnt meant to fit inbeetween the newly aranged jumpers(for some reason thats what i thought they were therefor).

but if a monkey can use a stick to get termites out of a hole, i can put in a second card. ive learned my lesson about cases. i got a coolermaster centurian and its cramped in there. it all fits....just really tight.

had a spaz moment when i booted to windows and got a blank screen. inpluged the cable to moniter and put it in the second cards main slot.

worked fine.

redid the drivers and voila the second card poped up on the screen. rebooted to a blank screen(no post/loading/windows enviorment) after 3 blank screen bootups i kept pluging the cable in different slots. finaly i heard a ding ding(the sound when the plug and play detects something)

and on a hunch i rebootted. everything works fine now. dont know how or why it descided to work. pluging and unpluging repeatadly defies logicical steps since i assumed it was a refresh problem(aka the trouble shooting guide) but no matter. i got my self a pretty sweet setup now. Godly ram,2 nice video cards, and a good CPU. too bad in 6 months this system will be second class...sigh, thats the way it always is though.

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THeres the new one. its updated now. had a tough time choosing a color for the font. RED/Yellow/Black came out best. white was good except some spots it blended in witht he background. same with teal blue. but all in all this should clearly state my system.

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Guest YuKoN

First let me say congrats on the SLI- and maybe this will help with your sig:


start with a bigger correctly sized (or resized) pic first. that's what i did- then add in the fonts/sizes one size at a time, saving work and rename in between. works like a charm, and my sig is saved in various states(easier to change later). and in my case, i can black it out and redo my fonts anytime i like. (thinking ahead for future upgrades!)


my sig might not look like much- but i'm fairly happy with it. ended up being 648x200 instead of 650, but who gives a ....! took about ten minutes to make. good ol' MS Paint built into windows. work's like a charm!

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Off-Topic: I'll make a sig for you that will encompass the anime theme you have. Just let me know what you want to base it upon.


On-Topic: Very well done. May you enjoy the benefits of SLI. :)

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Congrats :) and benchmarks? lol


ill get around to it some day. ill have to download the software. Auqua/3dmark ect. rightnow the connection i got is 16kb's. ill wait till i get near the city when its 100+ before i download files that big.


Off-Topic: I'll make a sig for you that will encompass the anime theme you have. Just let me know what you want to base it upon.


On-Topic: Very well done. May you enjoy the benefits of SLI. :)


thanks for the offer ACE.

i might take you up on that. in the mean time i made this one a few min ago. its accually kida easy. the only problem i have is the text......i was clear when i was typing it to the image....but when i saved it it came out blurry. any ideas why?anyone?

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