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NF4 infinty, can this be done??

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hey guys,



got an infinty because it was a cheap option, had an ultra-d and ultra-dr before....


i have an opty 170 that did 2.75ghz @ 1.44vcore on a dual sata 2 asrock board but the fsb limit stopped it there, so as a cheap option i chose an infinty as it was only £64.........i am having issues.....i can post at 270fsb but it hangs and at 1 stage corrupted my hd partition and i had to reformatt....


now...i assume that this can be modded to the ultra (nf4 hardmod) so i am asking....can i possibly flash an ultra-d bios into this board and gain some bios features.......


if anyone can help me with the settings for overclocking then i will be greatfull.



i have 2 x 1gb a-data tccd that does 245mhz @ 8-3-3-2.5 1t on the ultra-d.....


cheers guys....



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COME ON LADS...COULD DO WITH SOME HELP HERE...HAVING SERIOUS ISSUES TRYING TO GET THIS BOARD TO CLOCK.........i know its not the ram, or the psu, or the chip.....


all help much appreciated.....




gordy! :rolleyes:

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thanks for the reply matey...i am going to ram the fekr..........unless someone can give me a link for bios setup for the board as it hangs on statup and the point where its going to boot off the hd, this is wih either p-ata or s-ata drives...




gordy! :confused:

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Do not lose hope my friend!


I wouldn't even dream of flashing it with the ultra-d bios. Unless you really want to screw up your board.


And by the way, why do you want all the extra memory adjustments that the ultra-d has if you're not patient enough to adjust it on the simpler nf4 infinity? There is not a "do this, do that" kind of table to show you the best or correct adjustments every system is a different system, what works for me might not work for you.


I'm running 2.4ghz, fsb 300. Have some patience to adjust your ram. I couldn't get to 300, I thought my board was faulty but after playing with ram/cpu/voltages I got to it with stability.


Good luck!

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thanks again for the reply dude!.......im loosing patience because i know that the ram will do ddr510 @ 1t 8-4-4-3 and the cpu was doing 2.75ghz on 1.44vcore on an asrock dual sata2 (fsb limit stopped the chip) going buy some of the posts i had seen on the infinty of 300fsb and beyond iwas hoping to hit the 3 ghz barrier.


my psu is a hiper type R 580w modular and im running serious watercooling so heat/power is not an issue.... i feel as if the problem lies in the board possibly not locking the pci properly.....i have had the system running at 2.55ghz stable but this is astep down and not up like i was after.........


as said.....im still playing so anyhelp is appreciated......


best regards


Gordy :sad:

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not to dissapoint you, but I had an Infinity board before I went to my Ultra-D setup, and let me tell ya the extra $40 is well worth the money! On my infinity with the same parts that I am using now I couldn't get the 3700 SD to go more than 2600mhz at 1.55 vcore! And my RAM wouldn't pass memtest at 260 FSB with looser timings. As soon as I upgraded (RMA'd the Infinty to newegg for FULL refund after using it for a month :D) I got the processor up to 2912mhz @ 1.44 vcore and the ram is currently running at 265mhz at 1T 3-4-3-7.


Sorry, I know this isn't really helpfull for your current situation, but if you could RMA that board and go with the Ultra-D it is WELL worth it! :nod:

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matey...i completely agree with you...i also had an ultra d and an ultra-dr before i went to the darck side (pentium 920) and i was trying for a cheap opyion for the dual core opty i got...never mind...im going for an ultra-d!






gordy! ;)

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