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From SLI-DR to Expert...unstable

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On the Lanparty SLI-DR I was able to OC 11x267, HTT = 4, 2T 3-4-4-9, with volts at 1.45 CPU, 2.8 RAM.


Only thing that changed was the mobo and trying anything but stock, results in various BSODs, or plain old freezing.


Using the E704-BT2 BIOS and now I am stumped that any form of OCing just will not take.


Any ideas?


Thank you.

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the expert is a different board...

as you have seen, the settings that worked on your old board will not work the same on the expert

try tweaking your memory settings (particularly the drive strength and data drive strength settings) ;)

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Now the system will not boot with 2 sticks of ram.


I tested all four sticks of ram, in the first orange slot, and the system booted without issue. As soon as I add a second stick, in the orange slots, the motherboard stops with the three LED diagnostic lights.


I even attempted booting with the yellow slots with the same results.


Makes me wonder if the issue lies with the memory and slots, or if the CPU is having trouble.




I have switched back to my SLI-DR board and will be RMAing the Expert.


Everything is running fine with the older board, so I think the Expert was FUBAR, since I could not OC the thing even a bit.

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