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Whats the Most Important part of a PC in your opinion?


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As the title says, In your opinion everyone, whats the most important factor that makes up a quality rig?


True it does depend on the application of what you want to do with you pc. But I'm curious as too what ppl think.... ?




- you can have a super fast processor, but only 128k of ram.


- weak processor, but great video card

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It has to be the Motherboard and a DFI nothing less as everything else evolves around that.


Crappy Motherboard leaves you with crappy everything else regardless of the quality so a top class motherboard (DFI) for me has to come top of the list.

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i like, well maybe most of us like, to have a balanced machine :)


but for my personal oppinion, say i have to choose, and can only choose one, then i will pick the CPU....


id rather have an FX-60 with 256Mb RAM and Geforce6200 rather than 2Gb RAM and 7900GT with Pentium Celeron.............

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Guest thespin

A great system, if you don't want to waste moola, is composed of a balanced set of parts. If you buy a great video card but have a crappy monitor, you are not getting your money's worth from the video card. If you have a super fast processor which is throttled by too little memory, again money down the drain. If you buy parts that are not compatible, a waste of money AND time. And if you didn't build a system designed to run the kind of applications you wish to run, tsk tsk tsk ...

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Hands-down decision for me: Power Supply.


Without a good PSU that rated in all aspects to run the components you have chosen to assemble, and has ample headroom if overclocking is involved, then other components making-up the system won't perform as well (if at all) to similar systems that do have a good PSU in them.


Look at it this way...


Putting 87 grade fuel in a Ferrari which was designed to run on 91 grade fuel will result in poor performance and even poorer mileage.

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I'm thinking, in your case, the system components would be better-off without you in the picture.


I mean, sheesh, look at your avatar!



The User !


What good is all the parts if you cant put it together and tweak the heck out of it !


:nod: :shake: :nod:

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RAM. Lots of it. As much as the board will handle and the OS can utilize.


I would rather have a Celeron with 2GB of RAM than a Faster-Than-Light optical processor with only 256MB of RAM.


Anything to keep the OS from hitting the pagefile. Virtural RAM on a hard drive is thousands of times slower than actual electronic RAM.


I'm constantly going behind other vendors throwing a single 515MB stick in boxes that shipped with only 256MB. The difference in useability is remarkable for Windows XP rigs.

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