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Ram Voltage When Oc'n


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Just out of curiosity, say I have a Barton 2500+ and OCZ Pc3200 ram. If I'm OC'n the CPU up to about 190ish should I start to consider uping the voltage for the RAM? I wouldn't think so because I have ram that is "supposed" to be able to run at 200mhz speeds anyway. I am using the A7N8X Deluxe 1006 BIOS and I am running the RAM in sync with the CPU. Any body got any thoughts on this?

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if you want lower latencys up the voltage . i always run mine @2.8 regardless of ram speed. the reason geil got a bad name at first was most people didnt know geil likes high voltages. some geil ram i worked with wouldnt do rated speeds @2.6volts but they were rated for 2.7-3.1 so most mobos undervolted what the ram was suposed to be running

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