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Newark 6/23 Bios Wrong VCore/Speed

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I installed my brand new Newark 4000+ tonight, after I had flashed to the 6/23 Bios, which is the official bios to support this chip. On my first boot, I thought I was going to have Windows boot up problems, it took so long. Finally, it booted. I immediately opened CPU-Z to see what it told me. It told me that it was a Newark 4000+, running with a X4 multiplier, and .95 VCore. I went out and went into the bios. I set Cool "n" Quiet to disabled. On boot up, same problem. X4 multi, and .95 volts. This remained the same regardless of whether I had Always On or Minimal Power Management set in Power Management.


I went to the bios and set X13 and 1.35 VCore. It booted fine, and CPU-Z reported what I expected, although it was reporting the VCore as 1.32.


Any suggestions as to what is going on here?

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I installed my brand new Newark 4000+ tonight, after I had flashed to the 6/23 Bios, which is the official bios to support this chip. On my first boot, I thought I was going to have Windows boot up problems, it took so long. Finally, it booted. I immediately opened CPU-Z to see what it told me. It told me that it was a Newark 4000+, running with a X4 multiplier, and .95 VCore. I went out and went into the bios. I set Cool "n" Quiet to disabled. On boot up, same problem. X4 multi, and .95 volts. This remained the same regardless of whether I had Always On or Minimal Power Management set in Power Management.


I went to the bios and set X13 and 1.35 VCore. It booted fine, and CPU-Z reported what I expected, although it was reporting the VCore as 1.32.


Any suggestions as to what is going on here?


My 4000+ is in the mail (slow USPS and Canada Post). But, I looked up the other users and they have these settings:


Samuri: 250x12 @ 1.45v

Odeboo: 250x12 @ 1.475v

learnpermit: 242x3 @ 1.6v


What speed are you running at?

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My 4000+ is in the mail (slow USPS and Canada Post). But, I looked up the other users and they have these settings:


Samuri: 250x12 @ 1.45v

Odeboo: 250x12 @ 1.475v

learnpermit: 242x3 @ 1.6v


What speed are you running at?

Well, I didn't have time to do much other than run a test in OCCT, which it had no problem with. Running [email protected]. Booted up at 210X13 @1.35 and fooled around a bit, but no benchies or testing for overclock yet. Probably do some this weekend. I'm watching my temps closely, as the water block for my Exos 2 seems a bit loose. It has a separate fastener for unlidded CPUs, but it rocks a bit. It may have more to do with the small surface area it's sitting on compared to the lidded variety than being too loose. Temps seem good so far, 38C when running OCCT, and they should go down some as my Shin Etsu G751 settles in. First time I've used this TIM, used AS5 brfore. We'll see.

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Had a lot of issues just trying to get to 215mhz. Memory dividers not working, wouldn't boot unless using a 10x multi, errors in Super Pi, failing OCCT in seconds. The BIOS reset itself on my last crash out, so I did a colpete clear CMOS. Battery out, jumpers set for a couple hours while I did something else. Now I'm sitting at 13X215 running OCCT and typing this. I should have cleared the CMOS properly after I flashed to the new BIOS. VCore 1.45, temp 39C. 9/10 divider allowing me to keep my tight RAM settings. I figure I'm almost ready to crank it up.

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I found that I need at 1.5V Vcore to get it stable at 250x12 (passed OCCT 30 min test, and Superpi 8M). Idle at 38c and 42c running OCCT on air cool. You can up your Vcore to see if you can do better.


At this voltage, 3000MHz is pretty well the max for me. I do not want to go higher until I find out what the max Vcore is. I think one poster here use 1.6, but I think I'll wait a while at 1.5v.


Edit: BTW, I found that I cannot use 3X Htt, I have to lower it to 2x for OCCT to run.

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Just got my 8 hours of Prime. Am now testing at 220, still 9/10 on the RAM. Wouldn't boot with 1.45 VCore. Raised it to 1.5. I plan to continue to use just the 13x multi for now. I don't want to go past 240 as I have a hard drive on SATA 1. If i can get over 3.1 GHz, that would be awesome. I don't mean I wouldn't try some bumps higher than that, just not aiming for a 24/7 operation above that.

I'm not sure I understand the desire to go to 300 + on the HTT, unless it is just to see how fast it will go. Is there any benefits to speed of operation or memory performance using a high HTT and lowering the multi?

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MonarchComputer.com $198US

They do ship international, but you need an American based credit card, like Amex. CaptPronto said you can pay by money order. In any case, it is S754 which you cannot use on your nF4 mobo.

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