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How Do You Define Living?


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lol what a coincidence.. the same day as a "what is life" topic.. bah now im not goign ot get as many replys... anyway, we had to do a lab today where we define living or non-living. four of us got ina big discussion (after we finished of ocurse!) about which of hte objects were defind as what, and why. we were taught that the charasterists of living things are made of cells, grows and develops, reproudces, can obtain and use energy, and responds to it's enviroment. But, living things dont have to do all of those, and some non living things can do those (car, copy machine, etc) the things in the lab that were hard to decide which is which, were pine cone, grasshopper in formaldahide, and yougurt. yogurt is made with live cultures, i allready knew that, but it says on the cup: "CONTAINS LIVE CULTURES INCLUDING, __________ and _________." and then we got into another discussion wether there should be more than live and non-living catagorys, and other ways ot tell if something is living. Would killing be consitered a stimuli to which the thing responds? death isn't volountary, and responce ot stimuli/enviroment is something that the thing must do itself. Because viruses are not consitered living, yet they can die/be killed. just not with modern medicines... also, (just pretend you believe in zombies and vampires if oyu don't) how is undead different from living? and another serious question, if something contains living things, yougurt, but is not completly living things, would the thing itself be living? and hte last question, are cells living? bec they are made of a cell (themselves) and they respond ot stuff, and obtain and use energy....


please, your comments. i allready turned in the sheet, its not cheating.

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Quote "Because viruses are not consitered living "


Consider the agent Smith's theory (in matrix) about us being not really mamals, we really do have that same characteristic seen in viruses does that makes us non living? <_<

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i usually stuck to the guideline of whats living and what isnt living when i took bio. Cars and copymachines are not living as they dont grow or develop so its really pretty simple to me. Make a chart or something and check them off. If it works with them all, its alive. Asses and ligers are technically not alive as they can't reproduce but it seems like they are huh?

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I dont care either way. If its living, im gonna kill it and grill it anyway. Heck for all i care they should grow meat that you dont have to kill, that way, itll save me the trouble of trying to hunt down the stupid thing <_<

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