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1965 Cushman Project


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I know this isn't really interesting to most people, but I'm excited about it, lol :lol:


I had a guy call me the other day and wanted me to restore his 1965 Cushman Truckster. :blink:


I told the guy that we mod PC's and such, and he said, he knew what we did a friend of his had told him about what I do to computers and showed him the one I did for him (the guys friend). He also showed him the two on the website and he was totally impressed and wants me to do his Cushman, so I told him ok. He brought it over to my garage on a trailer and I started it this week I have some pics on my website so I will just post the URL for the website. I'm preaty excited and just wanted to share :ph34r:


1965 Cushman Restoration

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coool... just a comment, but i think it needs pics juat a little bigger. i dunno, mabye u want ppl with 56ks to be able ot go tot he site, or mabye u have storage limitations, but i cant realy understnd them. thats pretty cool, you go from modding pcs to a car... i guess the paint part is pretty much the same. only a smidge bigger.

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aha... lol... im tired i mightve figured that out had i not stayed up so alte last night,... i mean... this morning realy... lol. i lost my windows key too... but ijust made a topic about that so i dont hae to say it again. oh well... :smack:

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Restoring it back to original, but painting it John Deere Green and yellow, I'm allso gonna be adding some work lights, Hidden flip up headlights, and some other cool hidden things. So it will be kinda modified but will look original. That and I found out that lockheed owned it back when it was new and they modified the steering and some other things for there purposes, like the front steering axel is upside down for some reason and so on.

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