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Radeon 9600 Pro


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Ok i have a powercolor 9600 pro 256mb so it may very but core is 400 and memory is 200 x2. WIth stock cooling (soon to be replaced i hope) i can hit 500 core and 213 x2 memory. The memory is elixer and really blows but its ok if id known i would have just gotten a saphire 128mb version but live and learn i guess.

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I said stock was 400 on the core.....

As for the speed of the memory i believe all the 256mb versions are like this i looked at a few others b4 i bought it to see if there was a difference in stock speeds but they were all the same. Also i dont think they could lower the ram speed and still call it a pro anyways because i twould be running as anon pro.

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Radeon 8500 = 275/550

Radeon 9500 = 275/540

Radeon 9500 Pro = 275/540

Radeon 9600 = 325/400

Radeon 9600 Pro = 400/600

Radeon 9700 = 275/540

Radeon 9700 Pro = 325/620

Radeon 9800 = 325/580

Radeon 9800 Pro = 380/680

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Get in the Game Full AGP 8X support doubles available bandwidth for the most engaging game play in its class

Four parallel rendering pipelines process up to 1.6 billion pixels per second

128-bit full floating point precision enables billions of color variations to render the same lighting and effects as Hollywood studios

Core Speed 400MHz and Memory Speed 200MHzx2 (400MHz DDR)


thats all i can find on speeds for a 256mb version.

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there using cheaper ram to get 256megs so there running it slower . its really a waste as your never gonna use the extra 128megs . there theroy is hey people will think 256megs wow thats gotta be fast . to use all that ram you would need to run something like hl2 or d3 @16x12 with 8xaf and 4xaa i dont even think the 9800pros core could make playable framrates at the res and quailty setting

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its a diferent gpu than the 5900 and is more effeceint at rendering graphics plus the ati card has 8 pipelines compared to the 5900 4.


yes in thereoy they can use it but the resoultion and filtering settings needed to saturate all 256megs of ram is so high that even a 9800pro 256meg will look like a slide show . imho id rather have the extra 100mhz on the ram of the 128 9600pro version .

Edited by fanATIc1205

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i own a ATI 9600 Pro (not powercolor) and stock speeds are 400/600, but you can easily get it to 450/700, or even 500/725 (or even more) if you have good ventilation


overall, the gpu is extremely occ'able, and i usually only have mine running at 440/660 cause i want it to last me a few years, but even just that much makes a very noticeable increase in fps.


VERY good value

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