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Barton 2600+

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I already posted awhile back about those guys. they're full o crap! they claimed some cheezy tyan board would take an opteron or athlon xp. when I questioned it they got defensive and said AMD requested they not give me anymore info... then changed thier website and thier pricewatch listing. I wouldn't believe a word they say.

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generally speaking yes. theyr'e all barton cores. however there are 2 reasons it's a 2500+ and not a 3200+.


testing and demand. yes some of them won't do better than 2500+ speeds so that's what amd labels them as. others will do better, but amd NEEDS 2500's as opposed to say a 3200+ to fill the demand (and keep the 3200+ at a premium), so they lock mr multiplier down (and fsb if needed) and call it a 2500+

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