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need help with dividers on opty 165 please !


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ive been reading and reading and reading all day and i just cant get my head around these dividers. i just put in an opteron 165 which has a 9x multiplier, and i have it dual prime stable for 12 and half hours at 9x290=2610.


my memory is the g.skill hz series 2gb kit and this is rock solid up to 2630.


my htt is at 3x.


im back on bios 623-3


on the lowest divider the cpu is stable at the above speeds, but as soon as i up it, to even a 133 divider, things fall apart. prime will fail after a few mins.


with my old venice 3200, i was running the ram at 1:1 with the cpu so didnt play with the dividers.


could someone tell me in easy to understand terms, what im doing wrong with the dividers please?


heres my memory timings.


cpc disabled

tcl 3

trcd 4

tras 8

trp 4

trc 7

trfc 13

trrd 02

twr 02

twtr 02

twrt 03

tref 3684

twcl 1



thanks :)

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ok ive managed to get dual prime stable for 13.5 hours using a 140 divider.


cpuz isnt telling me the speed that the memory is running at (its greyed out).


ive tried the 150, 166 and 180 dividers and the 150 will boot up but dual prime fails both at the same time after a few mins. 166 will almost boot into windows but does a bsod, and the 180 just laughs.


can anyone help me?


is it impossible to run my memory at 1:1 when there is a 9x multiplier? (sorry if this is a silly question).


the memory is rock solid at 263, and the cpu is rock solid at 261. so this is where im stuck!


please help, or just a pointer to where the answers lie. i have read the guide many times, but its just not sinking in about these dividers and 9x multipliers.




heres a screenie of my settings.



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You aren't doing anything wrong with dividers, they just do not work with Optys and DFI does not support Optys.


Most of us on Optys use the 704-2BTA BIOS. Some of the Dividers work and then I use PC4800 Elite Edition OCZ also. The 180 Divider seems to work on 704-2BTA.

Good luck.

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any less volts and its unstable at this mhz. in fact, at stock volts it will go to around 2300 and anything after that seems to require this amount of juice.


edit: the stepping is CCBWE 0551 WPMW

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Put your htt back to 200, and run your mem 1:1. Now as you increase the htt by 15-20 run memtest #5, till you hit a wall. This is where you will start relaxing your timings and if your ram supports higher voltages increase vdimm. Note that tccd shouldnt go over 2.75v. It generallly will be your timings till you get close to your Max CPU OC. As you get closer and if your relaxed timings are getting toooo relaxed start to up the vdimm then. Also don't just change the basic ram settings fiddle with all of it, and of course your drive strength too. Drive strength will play a bigger factor than you might think. Its in the oc guide. Also learn what each ram timing does and be smart about your changes to your ram, you dont want to loose performance as you oc your ram. Check to see if anyone else has your ram modules here too, and see what their max oc is on them, and what settings they changed. I believe you followed the oc guide and already found your max mem speeds... Good luck, patience is the key....patience. A very stable and good OC should take about 2 weeks and longer as you get closer to your max OC.


I also have the 165, yesterday i just finished finding what the max i can do on stock vcore was, now i am priming 48 hours from 200htt to 260htt with 20mhz increments to slowly burn the cpu so i can get a higher clock on my stock voltages. It works sometimes, i've done that on 4 cpu's out of 6, but this is my first dual core so ill be probably spending 72 hours on each increment. After i burn my cpu in for about 2 weeks on stock voltage do i start to go beyond stock vcore and slowly try to increase my max clock on the CPU. This procedure i have found actually will give me a averge of 200mhz increase on my stock vcore and half the time increase my MAX oc by 100, using less voltages. So i hope to get my 165 at 2.7ghz using 1.4 volts. where as now it is 2.7 at 1.52v and 2.6 at 1.425v. Of course i could get water cooling and stick with 1.52v but i don't like high voltages bc i want my chips to last for a long time. Also im saving for a phase change, screw water.


Good luck and dont rush it.

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Put your htt back to 200, and run your mem 1:1. Now as you increase the htt by 15-20 run memtest #5, till you hit a wall. This is where you will start relaxing your timings and if your ram supports higher voltages increase vdimm. Note that tccd shouldnt go over 2.75v. It generallly will be your timings till you get close to your Max CPU OC. As you get closer and if your relaxed timings are getting toooo relaxed start to up the vdimm then. Also don't just change the basic ram settings fiddle with all of it, and of course your drive strength too. Drive strength will play a bigger factor than you might think. Its in the oc guide. Also learn what each ram timing does and be smart about your changes to your ram, you dont want to loose performance as you oc your ram. Check to see if anyone else has your ram modules here too, and see what their max oc is on them, and what settings they changed. I believe you followed the oc guide and already found your max mem speeds... Good luck, patience is the key....patience. A very stable and good OC should take about 2 weeks and longer as you get closer to your max OC.


I also have the 165, yesterday i just finished finding what the max i can do on stock vcore was, now i am priming 48 hours from 200htt to 260htt with 20mhz increments to slowly burn the cpu so i can get a higher clock on my stock voltages. It works sometimes, i've done that on 4 cpu's out of 6, but this is my first dual core so ill be probably spending 72 hours on each increment. After i burn my cpu in for about 2 weeks on stock voltage do i start to go beyond stock vcore and slowly try to increase my max clock on the CPU. This procedure i have found actually will give me a averge of 200mhz increase on my stock vcore and half the time increase my MAX oc by 100, using less voltages. So i hope to get my 165 at 2.7ghz using 1.4 volts. where as now it is 2.7 at 1.52v and 2.6 at 1.425v. Of course i could get water cooling and stick with 1.52v but i don't like high voltages bc i want my chips to last for a long time. Also im saving for a phase change, screw water.


Good luck and dont rush it.


thank you for the reply.


i have found the limit of the cpu to be 2608 (sometimes this is reported as 2611 in mbm)


the limit of the ram in memtest with no errors is 263 on this motherboard, although it was 275 on a previous ultra-d.


the ram is g.skill hz series which uses UCCC chips. i have tried 2.5v, 2.6, 2.63 and now settled on 2.53v.


i cant boot at all using 1:1 - i was thinking this was something to do with the 9x multiplier?


ill have a play with the drive strengths again later when i change back to the 2bta bios.

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hi Clunk,


i have exact core stepping as you, CCBWE 0551WPMW 1292956L50230

dunno if it helps seeings as your ram is different to mine but my ram settings in 704-2BTA bios are


cpc enabled

tcl 3.0

trcd 03

tras 08

trp 03

trc 09

trfc 16

trrd 03

twr 03

twtr 02

trwt 03

tref auto

twcl 1


rest of settings default


300x9 htt multi x3 divider 180

startupvid 1.5v

vcore 1.425v chipset 1.5v ram 2.8v


hope it helps

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hi trooper, thanks for replying.


ive flashed back to the 704 2bta bios and i have managed to boot to windows and start dual priming (only a few min in so im not gonna hold my breath!)


the memory is running at 237 now according to cpuz.


not a sniff of it even being close to booting using 1:1.


thanks for the settings, i know some of those values wont work on mine, but thanks all the same :)


while this is priming, im going to see if i can find out why this takes about 30 seconds from leaving the bios and restarting before anything appears on the screen...weirdness.



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